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jungkook pulled up to a large house with booming music coming from inside. there were neon colored lights shining through the window and college kids littered the lawn. taehyung immediately knew he made a mistake agreeing to come, even though he didn't have much of a choice. jimin was already running up to the house dragging a grumpy yoongi behind him. "who's staying sober?" jungkook asked turning back to the others in the car.

namjoon raised his hand "i'll be driver for tonight." jungkook silently celebrated before turning the engine and getting out of the car. "i'll text you guys to meet me outside." namjoon walks off with jin and hoseok leaving jungkook and taehyung alone.

taehyung looked up at the house, the lights shining on his face. jungkook took taehyung's hand into his own holding it while looking down at him and smiling. "you ready?" jungkook asked. taehyung nodded slowly, nervously biting his bottom lip.

as soon as they walked inside taehyung could already feel himself getting a headache from the obnoxiously loud music. a group of guys approached the two. "hey, jungkook! welcome to the party." the guy in the front yelled over the music.

"yeah. oh by the way this is taehyung. taehyung this is kai." jungkook yelled back. taehyung waved showing his boxy smile. kai's eyes went down to where jungkook held taehyung's hand and he looked back up at jungkook. 

"didn't know you were gay dude."

jungkook laughed "bisexual. anyways, where's beomgyu?" 

kai pointed off in the distance. "here, come with us." jungkook turned to look at taehyung.

"you want to come with us orrr?" taehyung smiled warmly at jungkook.

taehyung leaned closer to jungkook's ear so he could hear him "i'm going to take a look around. i'll catch up with you later though." jungkook nodded and smiled. he kissed taehyung's cheek before heading off with kai and the other guys. taehyung looked around. he headed into what looked like the kitchen.

the kitchen was full of people socializing loudly with plastic, red cups in their hands. some kids were making out on the counter and others were seeing how many shots they could take before they passed out. taehyung walked over to a counter that had bottles and bottles of alcohol. he picked up a bottle and started to read the label. "vodka!" he heard a girl say excitedly next to him. he looked to his left and saw a girl with brown hair. 

"what?" taehyung asked his brows furrowing in confusion. the brown-haired girl took the bottle out of his hand and opened it, pouring some out into a cup and giving it to taehyung.

"the drink. it's called vodka. try some!" she held out the red cup. taehyung hesitantly took the cup from her and took a sip of the drink. he immediately cringed in disgust. the girl laughed at his reaction "you have to take it fast silly!" she poured herself a cup. she quickly tilted her head back the drink going down her throat. she swallowed it all in one move. 

taehyung copied her movements, the drink burning his throat. once he swallowed he coughed setting the cup down on the counter. "what the fuck-"

the girl laughed again pouring him another cup. "i'm lisa by the way."

taehyung nodded "taehyung." she smiled at him giving him another cup. taehyung smiled back. they both downed their drinks at the same time. 


"one...two...three!" lisa counted, her voice slurred. taehyung and lisa both downed their 5th cup of vodka. taehyung threw his cup on the counter breathing heavily, his mouth hung open.

"hah, shit." taehyung cursed his mouth slightly open. his palms were on the edge of the counter and his head dropped.

"never drink before?" lisa asked. she ran a hand lightly down taehyung's arm. taehyung shook his head.  "aww poor baby~ mm, you should rest." she grabbed taehyung's wrist taking him upstairs. lisa was only a little tipsy. she had a high alcohol tolerance unlike taehyung, meaning she knew exactly what she was doing.

taehyung, who was almost drunk, followed her. lisa opened the door to a bedroom upstairs. she closed the door behind them. she led taehyung over to the bed pushing him down. he furrowed his brows and tried to get up until lisa plopped down on his lap keeping him down on the bed, holding his shoulders down. "what are y-" taehyung got cut off when lisa quickly leaned down pressing her lips against his. 

taehyung quickly pushed her off. lisa landed on the floor causing a loud thud sound to echo throughout the room. "ow, what the fuck?!" taehyung got off the bed stepping over her. "really?! you just pushed me off a bed and you're going to walk off? you know i thought you were pretty cute too. i was going to let you get it but no! you had to ju-"

taehyung cut her off. "i'm gay." he replied blandly leaving the room. he went back downstairs to the kitchen grabbing another drink. 'lisa is a thirsty hoe. stay away from her' taehyung mentally made a note telling himself to stay away from lisa. taehyung drank a few more cups before he was completely drunk. he drunkenly trudged through the hall, leaving against the wall. he managed to make it to the living room sitting down on the couch.

taehyung heard a chuckle. he picked up his head, meeting jungkook's eyes. "oh baby..." jungkook started, "what did you drink?" 

"juungkoook~" taehyung said, slurred. "i looove youuuu." taehyung tried to stand up but fell. jungkook caught him holding him up. 

"oh god... let's get you home, yeah?" jungkook smiled. he squatted and picked up taehyung putting him on his back. taehyung loosely swung his arms over jungkook's shoulders. jungkook headed towards the front of the house leaving the party. jungkook knew they weren't far from the dorms so he walked home with taehyung on his back.

"yaah! i can walllkkk~" taehyung pouted.

jungkook laughed at the way taehyung was asking. "no you can't~ you'll fall over." jungkook was still sober. he hadn't planned to drink tonight. when jungkook didn't hear an answer he became concerned until he heard soft snores next to his ear. he laughed quietly and kept walking to the dorms while taehyung was sleeping. 

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