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jungkook got out of the car taking taehyung's hand in his. taehyung look up at the building with wide eyes and an open mouth. "excited?" jungkook looked down at taehyung. 

taehyung didn't answer but instead started walking up to the door quickly. he was eager to roller-skate. once they got inside they were lights all over the place and a arcade. taehyung was wearing a white sweater with small little designs on it. his sweater glowed blue under the blacklight. he looked up at jungkook excitedly. "hello, welcome to seoul skate center. how may i assist you?" a brown-haired tall male said. he was working at the desk.

"two skates please, both size 270." jungkook said passing the man money for a skate rental. the man soon came back with two pairs of skates. they were both white although one had pink wheels and the other had purple. taehyung reached out for the purple skates and walked away with jungkook to a little bench so he could put them on. "you like purple?"

"mhm~ it's one of my favorite colors."

"hm... good to know." jungkook smiled at taehyung, taehyung smiling back. they both quickly slid on their skates and tied them. jungkook easily stood up on the skates. taehyung stood up and his legs shook a bit. he reached out to jungkook. "stand straight up and just push forward. it's easy, trust me. we'll skate around on the carpet a bit until you get used to it."

taehyung nodded and stuck his tongue out a bit, showing he was focused. he stood up straight and did as jungkook told him, push forward. he easily got the hand of it and was skating around the carpet area with jungkook. jungkook was able to skate backwards to he could keep his eyes on taehyung and catch him if he were to fall, so far taehyung was doing great. "am i doing ok?" taehyung asked and stopped skating, pressing his stopper against the carpet.

"you're doing better than ok." jungkook smiled and moved forward on his skates is he could be closer to taehyung. "you ready to go out on the rink?" taehyung nodded happily skating past jungkook standing near the entrance of the rink. jungkook skated over holding taehyung's hand and they went out on the rink together.


after about an hour of skating taehyung's legs were almost sore. they were both taking off their skates now. once taehyung took off his skates and stood up to return them he gasped. "what?" jungkook asked concerned.

"it feels so weirddd!" taehyung said shifting his weight from one foot to the other. he wasn't able to get over the numb feeling. 

jungkook chuckled and stood up with him once he got his skates off "i know right! that part always gets me." he started walking to the front to put up his skates taehyung following close behind. they both went back, put on their shoes, and headed out the door.

"hey kookie..?" jungkook hummed in response. "thanks for this~ i enjoyed it."

 jungkook showed his bunny smile and bent down plating a soft kiss on taehyung's lips. "of course baby, you know i would do anything to make you happy." jungkook didn't know it but those words made taehyung's heart flutter. he smiled at jungkook, a light pink tint dusted his cheeks.

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