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"i'm home!" jungkook called out when he opened the front door. 

"daddy's home!" jungkook heard a small voice say. soon a small child was running down the hall. jungkook got down on one knee and held his arms open. the child ran into jungkook's arms hugging him tightly. 

"hi kai~" jungkook nuzzled his nose with his and taehyung's adopted child, kai. kai let out cute giggles. taehyung came out of the same hallways kai was running down and leaned against the wall watching jungkook hold kai in his arms.

"welcome home kook." taehyung said walking over to the two. jungkook set kai down on the ground and stood up cupping taehyung's face with one hand. taehyung felt the cold wedding band touch his cheek and smiled putting his hand on top of jungkook's jungkook leaned in and gave him a small, but soft kiss.

"i want kissy too!" kai said reaching his arms up. taehyung laughed and picked up kai with his arms putting him between taehyung and jungkook. taehyung ad jungkook leaned in at the same time and placed a kiss on kai's cheeks.

taehyung set kai back down. "come on, it's late. we should get you to bed." kai reached out his hand and taehyung took it walking him off to bed. taehyung put kai to bed and read him a bedtime story. he closed the door slowly, careful not to wake up the now sleeping child. 

taehyung walked back to his and taehyung's shared room in their fairly large house and walked inside. he saw jungkook in a towel that was lazily wrapped around his waist. taehyung blushed and sat on the bed picking up his book that he started reading last night.

jungkook looked behind him at taehyung reading his book. jungkook smirked and walked towards the bed. he climbed on top of taehyung teasingly. "kai's asleep?"

taehyung nodded blushing even more. jungkook chuckled darkly and took the book out of taehyung's hand setting it aside.


[someone help i'm obsessed with taekook]

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