Chapter 9

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Delaney POV

After talking to Billie for a while, I arrive at my destination and tell her have to go. I hang up putting my phone in my back pocket while opening the door to the insanely huge building.

I walk in and I go to the front desk. "Hey, um I'm looking for Kiara Wi-" I get cut off by my name being yelled. A woman comes shaking my hand and pulling me into a surprise hug. We break apart and she says, "I'm Kiara Wilson, it's the pleasure to meet the new queen of dance herself."

I chuckle a little, "I wouldn't say I'm the queen but nice to meet you too."

She tells me to follow her into her office, we go in and sit down at her desk while she looks for certain papers.

She finds it and says "So if you do eventually sign this, you will have me as your manager meaning I will be keeping track of events, and tour only."

"So you're not in control of what I post, what I say, wear or do?" I ask in suspicion.

"No, I'm not that kind of manager, I don't control your life, just your social gatherings only."

"I'm sorry to be cautious or anything but can you show me it says that in this contract?"

"It's alright to be cautious." She says before pointing to the section where it actually says she isn't in charge of my life. I think I can trust her.

"Alright, I like it. I'll sign it then." I say and she hands me a pen and I sign the paper before she shakes my hand thanking me.

I walk out of the building into my car before driving off to pick up Acelynn. I still had to go to Billie's video premiere and respond to that email.

Once I get to Jah's house, I ring the doorbell and Acelynn opens it. "Hi mommy's girl!" I say kneeling down to her level. "Mommy!" She says hugging me. On cue Jah comes out hugging me, "Thanks." I say. "I heard you're going to Billie's video premiere." He says.

"Yea. She told you?"

"Oh, she told me a lot about you." I raise an eyebrow in confusion "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"She's crushing on you dude." I laugh at his false comment. "I'm serious, she can't stop talking about you." He says.

"No, I can't get with anyone right now, my life is too complicated."

"You're not the only one D, there's some shit Billie's gone through that you wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy." He says. "You both been through sad shit and you need each other." He continues.

"Not right now Jah. I have to go." I say. He gives me one final hug, and Acelynn says bye. I get in my car, I let Princess drive because she wanted to.

Mental Note For Delaney: Never Let Princess Drive Again.

Billie POV

A lot of people are here already but I'm waiting to see if Delaney showed up. Suddenly I hear, "Princess stop the car!"

"I can't, it won't stop!"

"Are you stepping on the break?"

"Oh. No I wasn't." I hear Princess say laughing afterwards. I walk outside to see Princess is parking the car and she stumbles out, while Delaney walks out. "Remind me not to drive anything with you." Delaney tells Princess.

"Come on, my driving isn't that bad." Princess says.

"You almost drove us into a pole!"

I laugh a little and I catch Delaney's attention. "Oh hey, I didn't see you there." She says. "I was here for a while." I say.

"You see, you're kind of short, so you're hard to notice." She says and Princess snorts as I cross my arms over my chest in annoyance. Princess walks in with Cleo and Acelynn.

"It's ok, you can be my shorty." She says and a blush creeps on my cheeks. There has been obvious flirting going on between us, I feel a connection and I want to move on from Que. I was attached to him so long that when we broke up, I thought I could never love again.

Until I made eye contact with Delaney, she was different. "You're staring O'Connell." She says. "I know." I say and she laughs. She walks me in where Mom and Dad immediately recognize her.

"You must be the one our daughter keeps talking about." Dad says. I cover my face in embarrassment. "It depends, is she saying good things?" Delaney jokes.

"Other than saying she wants to have your children, there all good things." Mom says.

"Mom!" I yell as Delaney looks at me shocked.

"What?" Mom asks. I pull Delaney up to my room as she looks back confused. Once we get in my room, I close the door as she looks around at the red room.

"Why is your room red?" She asks.

"So I can practice living in hell." I respond.

"I- you know what, ok." She says before sitting down on my bed. "Ignore what my Mom told you." I tell her.

"Heh, it's whatever. You're not the first person who told me that." She says.

"Oh really?" I ask.

"I've had a few guys tell me they wanted me to have their kids. I was never really into guys at the time." She says.

"When did you know that you liked girls?" I ask sitting across from her. "I always did, I just noticed the little things girls did, the way they laughed, talked. Just everything." She says.

"What confirmed your sexuality for you?" I ask back and she breathes out looking down. "We don't have to talk about it." I say.

"No, it's okay. I confirmed my sexuality the day I was raped." I blink a few times trying to register what she just said. She was raped?

"Is that how you had Acelynn?"

She nods looking away. "I'm sorry." I say.

"You're fine, it's me. I'm just ashamed."

"Ashamed? Why would you be ashamed?"

"I was a 14 year old pregnant teenager, and became a mother at 15. I embarrassed my family. My mom couldn't look me in the eye. I went into hiding for 3 years."

"It wasn't your fault." I say, I hug her and she hugs back. We pull away after a while and we make eye contact as we're close to each other.

Her finger grazes my cheek as I lean forward. This is it.

Different [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now