Chapter 32

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Delaney POV

I walk back into the house and loud music fills my ear and I slightly wince. I'm currently not liking thus living situation.

I downright regret saying yes to creating some sort of the 'Hype House'.

Eli and Isaac throw parties at the lastest in nights, Jah's always arguing with his girlfriend and we have to see it right there and then.

Dani is just loud as fuck and no one can sleep with Princess and her boyfriend fucking in the late night.

I am really not meant to live with too many people. Music is playing and I see a lot of different people. Some I recognize, some I've never met a day in my life.

I leave for 3 hours and they throw a party. "Delaney!" My name is yelled and I see Princess slump to me. "Yeah?" I ask.

"Can you.. uhh go to the fridge, oh shit." Princess falls onto the ground and I decide not to help but instead stare at her. She's drunk when her daughter's around.

You see, I'm not a drinker. I don't like the feeling of something burning my throat, making me lose my mind for a few hours and then waking up the next day with a headache and no clue what happened the night before.

It's just not for me.

I push past the bodies surrounding the hallway and I make my way to my bedroom. I almost puke at the sight of what I see.

"Get the hell out of my room!" I shout at the two people literally fucking on my bed. They gasp and hurry to get their things up and they try to walk past me but I stop them.

"Get the sheets too! I don't want to sleep on that anymore. Hell, you might as well take the whole damn mattress."

I sigh heavily before exiting my bedroom and walking into Billie's bedroom. She has earphones in and is writing in a journal. It's pretty obvious she can't hear me because I can hear her music through her ear buds.

I tap her and she looks up and takes her buds out. "You're back." She says. "Yeah, I needed time to myself." I say. "Oh." Billie nods.

"Billie, I'm sorry for storming out like that and snapping at you. I overreacted and I was wrong for that." I blurt out. Billie smiles before hugging me.

"It's okay, just don't leave like that again." Billie warns.

I laugh before pecking her lips and it almost turns onto a full heated make out session, but I refrain. "Did you know about this party?" I ask.

"I suggested them not to do it, they obviously didn't listen. So I'm just minding my business plus Princess said she'd look over the kids." Billie answers.

"Well Princess is drunk right now."

"So who's watching them?" We both get up from the bed and Billie said "They should be in Princess' room. We open the door to the drunk mother's room and there is no one there.

"Well things just got complicated.


Delaney POV

We've looked in every room there is and still no Adelaide, Cleo, or Acelynn. "Where could they be?" Billie asks. "Let's ask Princess." I say. We hear cheering in a certain area and we know it's because of Princess.

I walk over to see Princess on top of the kitchen island attempting to twerk.

"Princess, get down here!" I shout. "Wha...." Princess slurs. I grab her arm helping her down and then balancing her in front of me. "Where are the kids?"

"The what?" She asks. "Do I need to slap you? Where are the kids?"

"Oh..., they're in the room. I left them there."

"They're not there Princess." I tell her and she dumbly stares at me. I swear at times I wonder how this girl is a mother.

"Oh well then I don't know where they're at?" Princess shrugs while laughing and slipping. I let go of her scoffing as I see Eli making out with Danielle and I widen my eyes.

I didn't know they got down like that. Focus Delaney. While walking I notice that the room is flashing with different colors. I need to find Acelynn now, all these lights and music could trigger a seizure.

I see the speaker and an outlet. I walk over quickly pulling the plug causing the music to stop and everyone looking in my direction.

"Has anyone seen a little girl about 3 ft, really cute, curly hair and kinda looks like me?" I ask. There's murmuring going around and I hear "No, now put the music back on."

"No music being put on until we find 3 kids and after we find them, everyone's leaving and can someone turn these fucking lights off!?"

"Mommy?" I hear the same preppy voice and I turn around to see Acelynn walking up to me. I pick her up breathing out and I see Billie with Cleo and Addy.

"Ow." Acelynn complains and I realize the lights are hurting her. I cover her eyes with my hand as I tell Isaac to turn of led lights. "I can't!" He says.

"What do you mean you can't?"

"I don't know where the remote is." He says. "God, why did you let me agree to living with idiots?" I ask myself. "Hey, that's disrespectful." Dani said.

"That boob job you got is disrespectful." I snap back at her obviously frustrated and I feel Acelynn body loosen off of mine, signaling a seizure. "Someone pass me a hoodie." I say.

Jah throws his X shirt at me and it smacks me in the face. "Sorry." He mutters. "Mommy..." I put Acelynn down as I fold the hoodie placing it under Acelynn's head and I watch her eyes water and her body jerks violently.

Gasps and screams erupt in the house and a girl goes to touch her and I slap her hand away. "Don't touch her! She might break a bone." I say.

"Is no one going to call 911?" A voice asks. "Shut up dude." I say coldly.

Blood spurs from out of Acelynn's mouth and I realize she may have bitten her tongue and the screams get louder.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP!?" I yell. Acelynn's body movement slows down and I tilt her to the side.


wipe Acelynn's lips as Billie is already there to give me Acelynn's water. The little girl's eyes flutter open after a few minutes and I help sit her up.

Suddenly, the flashing lights turn off and I look at Isaac who's waving the remote saying "I found it!"

That bastard. He couldn't have found it ten minutes ago?

I help Acelynn drink water and I feel eyes on me. "Um you guys can show yourself out." I say to the party guests. They all groan and within minutes, the house is empty of anyone.

"Hey, we're really sorry." Eli says. "Don't even." I say.

"W-" I cut him off with "You guys have to learn how to be more responsible, this makes zero sense to throw a party this late, there's weed, alcohol and other shit where kids live at. How stupid can a group of people be?"

I was fuming at this point, this is not the first time something like this happened and I'm just tired of it.

I don't think I want to live in this house anymore.


What should Delaney do? Leave or stay?

Different [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now