D7-Dancing AU

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Mari rolled her eyes as Lila Rossi, sat on the side line during practice...again!

Lila Rossi had joined Coach Caline Bustier's class one month after Marianne Fu.

She smiled fondly when she had arrived and told everyone that she wanted to help give back and help the 'little people', but she had injured herself right before she arrived. She was a secret gold medalist and had entered under many different names. Lila claimed she'd help the girls with their techniques so they could also bring home the gold.

Mari took a breathe and exhaled as she looked around the rink. Alya, Mylene, and Rose skated easily, but never tried anything challenging. Mari knew better then to show off with these people. She'd just get yelled at for making Lila look bad again or that she was rubbing it in her face that she couldn't skate since she was injured.

Marianne knew it was all a lie. How gullible these girls were to believe everything that Lila said and the coach allowed this!

As practice let out, she waved to the food stand guy. He had been nice enough to give her hot chocolate earlier.

"I have amazing news!" started Bustier, at the next practice, "The Wayne's will be scouting our practice for someone to dance with one of his son's for the upcoming Winter Competition."

"I personally know the Wayne's." interjected Lila, "I'm slowly healing, but they are sure to pick me."

"Of course he will!" shouted Alya.

"No one else would be better for the role!" exclaimed Rose.

"You're a gold medalist. He'll pick you for sure." commented Mylene.

Marianne spent her time in the bleachers listening to music after the announcement, ignoring the hateful comments flung her way.

"Look at how lazy she is." suggested Mylene.

"She never had a chance against you, Lila." sweetly commented Rose.

"He'd be crazy not to pick you!" cried out Alya.

Mari didn't waste her breath against them. She knew better. Marianne rose with the sun and was at the rink by the time the light would dip into the windows. Ice time was precious.

"Coach, do you think I could get a tofu dog? I left my lunch at home and could really use the energy." Lila asked, tearing up, as she clutched her stomach.

"Of course. Do try and bring it next time." Caline smiled and went back to commenting on how Mylene could speed up just a bit.

"Oh, I'll buy it for you, Lila!" offered Alya.

Lila smiled at the concession guy, who ignored her batting her eyelashes at him and set back to cleaning. He didn't miss the sound of the trash as she walked away.

There was one week left and Mari was benched.

"How could you do that to Lila, Mari?" shouted Alya.

"I didn't. That's not even-" she tried to defend herself, but Caline interjected, "The destruction of ones personal belongings is wrong, Marianne. We found the needle and thread in your locker. I have no choice but to inform the board. You may use the weight room or go home, but your ice time is cancelled. I hope your routine is prepared."

"I don't understand why you hate me so much! Why would you ruin my outfit?" sobbed Lila. She hugged her outfit close, attempting to smooth out where the gems had once been.

Daminette One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora