C H A P T E R ❸

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It's been a frenetic week to say the least. Ever since I started working at the club after school I have been fatigued, trying to study for my practicals and making sure Zara doesn't destroy the apartment. I'm glad to have Soul here, otherwise, I wouldn't be breathing right now.

The culinary school that I'm attending to, ICE, is better than I anticipated and I admire my teacher who is teaching my classmates and I everything we need to recognize about baking and the arts. I met a couple cool people in the class, Jasmine and Steven, who are currently dating, and I love them already. I haven't had much additional time to hang out with them outside of school but once I figure out a schedule to make it through the day I will most surely make plans with them.

Work isn't as bad as it seems and most evenings Soul is there to keep me company, watching me on stage as she sits at the bar and ogles with William. I noticed him over the other day at the apartment, doing the walk of shame out of her bedroom while I was preparing breakfast. Soul notified me that they have been hanging out when she gets off at work and I'm happy to see her like this, all cute and crimson towards a charming guy. I believe he is nice because I haven't had to knee him in his balls yet, so that's a good sign.

As for Forty, my boss, I haven't talked to him much since the day he hired me. Except for the once in a while, "change, too showy" or "you get paid to pole dance, not to socialize." A couple of the guys there seem to like knowing there's a new girl working because it has been a full faction every time its my turn on stage. At first I thought I would dislike the job because of all my insecurities but being onstage and acting as Amour, that's the stripper name Forty has given me, has given me so much self-confidence in my body. I also don't complain when I see Forty outside his office door patrolling me dance with his piercing stare.

"Amour, come I need you." Selena, another stripper that I have gotten quickly aquatinted to grabs me from the chair I was resting on, tugging me towards the back room.

"What's wrong?" I squint my eyebrows at her as she looks apprehensive to say her next words.

"There's a man here who requested a private dance." She looks up at me with eager eyes.

"You know I don't do that stuff Selena, it's uncomfortable, even for Amour." I sulk at her expression.

"I know! But you know doing the privates mean you leave here with big pockets! Plus the guy isn't even that appalling to be honest." She ties her robe masking her model-like figure. I would kill to look like her.

"Where is he?" I search, wanting to know who I was going to be dealing with.

I trail her out of the back room as she walks over to the side stage to get a good look at all of the men, and some women, around the dance floor. She points her finger at a satisfying young man relaxing with a bunch of his friends at a booth, all taking shots.

"I mean he is kind of cute I guess." I shrug and escort over to the booth, leaving Selena to saunter off backstage, conceivably getting ready for her next dance.

"Anyone request Amour?" I scan around the group, making sure I got the right guy before stopping at the lean boy Selena pointed at.

"Our buddy here would like a private dance Miss Amour." One of his friends responded for him and the man looked slightly uncomfortable, I could tell he had to be at most 20.

I place my hand in his, requesting for him to follow me to the private rooms that were available for the customers and dancers. Upon entering the room I gave a pointed look to the chair placed in front of a mini stage with a pink pole going through.

He sat quietly in the chair and I noticed his hands fidgeting, making me feel bad for this poor man.

"What's your name handsome?" I grinned lightly at him as I bend down to reach his level on the chair.

"Chuck." He gazed down at his hands placing them together tightly.

"Well you know you don't have to do this, right Chuck? I can just bring you back out there to your friends if you want in a couple of minutes." I gently rubbed his hand in a comforting manner.

"Today's my nineteenth birthday, they wanted to bring me here but the thing is, I like men." He chuckles to himself and I frown at him. Before I can question him he speaks, "no one knows, well I guess your the first." he mutters gloomily.

"You know Chuck, we do have some fine ass men here in the Magic Mike section of this club." I wink at him and he smiles, looking up at me. I excuse myself to go find an available dancer and bring Bryan, who I just met, back into the room I left Chuck in.

Chuck's whole face lights up and I let them be, giggling at his cute expression on my way out.

"Why were you giving a private dance without my permission Love?" The familiar voice makes me stop my steps and I slowly turn around to be met with an angry looking Forty, his eyes darker then I have ever seen them before. His mucular arms are tucked in front one another, causing his suit to rise a little.

"I'm sorry sir I didn't know I need to notify you, I won't let it happen again." I fake smile at him, wanting him to get away as soon as possible.

He takes an intimidating step forward, making me hit my back against a wall, causing me to wince.

"Did the customer enjoy his time in there Ophelia?" He smiles tauntingly at me and I furrow my brows.

"Listen, I didn't do anything with him, I got Bryan for him." At the mention of Bryan's name his expression turns from confused to stunned, before shaking his head and turning back to his neutral dark expression.

"I better not catch you in any private rooms, understand?"He growls leaning into my ear and I close my eyes enjoying his closeness. Pull yourself together girl.

"You didn't seem to mind me giving you a private dance when I got hired sir." I smirk and he stands frozen before shifting to look back at me again causing my breath to hitch.

"My office, in two minutes." He spoke slowly and harsh, making my insides squirm with fear.

I get out of his grip and try looking for Soul near the bar, in hopes of finding a way out of this. Different thoughts were clouding my mind, I hope I don't get fired.

After not being successful in finding my best friend, I decided to take a beating and stand in front of the office that has certain memories, making my head fill up with more anxiety.

Without hesitation, I grab ahold of the door handle.

Hey guys, thanks for reading! What do you think of Ophelia's job?- stormienature

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