C H A P T E R ❶❶

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Ophelia's POV ☼

Soul and I had a fun time at mall and we picked out a couple cute outfits, along with some underwear from Victoria's Secret.

Once we made it back to the apartment, Soul and I took Zara and a walk around the city to let her out for a bit. I feel bad when she's cooped up all day in the place alone, except for when Soul is sometimes there and takes her places every so often.

"Wow." I turn around in my white high heals and see Forty standing in the door frame of my room. I smile lightly and then back around to continue to look at myself in my mirror. I see Forty through the reflection, striding towards me, and pulling me into his arms as he takes a rage inhale of breath, his nose gliding across the crook of my neck. I lean my head back enjoying his touch and smell his manly scent cascading from his body, causing me to shiver in delight. I make eye contact with him through the mirror and see a mix of lust and a dark expression that I haven't seen by anyone except from him.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I turn around in his arms and look up at him with a questioning gaze.

"Cause your so fucking beautiful." He whispers and leans down to claim my lips with his. His hand glides down my back, stopping just above my butt and he pushes me closer to him. Both of us fighting for dominance with our tongues and him eventually winning the fight going on in our mouths as they mold together. I moan into the kiss and I hear a quiet growl coming from the back of his throat and break away from the magnetic force that is pulling us together. I stare into his eyes that seem to hold so much emotion, I need to force myself to look away.

"We can get going now." I cough and make my way around him to say farewell to Soul and Zara.

Forty pulls up to valet that is at the entrance of the driveway, stepping out he comes over to my side of the car to escort me out of the vehicle and I thank him politely before he links his arm with mine, passing the keys to the man waiting.

"Not a scratch." Forty growls at the man and he nods his head nervously before hopping into the driver seat and taking off, very slowly. I laugh at the situation as we start walking together towards the main doors of the exquisite mansion.

"So what does your family do?" I look up to him casually, trying to figure out how their so loaded.

He shrugs, "my dad is an owner of his own architectural business and my mom helps him out once in a while."

I nod my head, noting that his dad must be really good at his job, I'm suddenly very nervous of meeting him and start to feel a bit nauseous.

"Hey don't worry Elle, my family is very welcoming." He smiles down at me and we walk into the open doors. I take in a sharp breath at all of the people socializing around the magnificent entrance. The floors are a black stained marble pattern, with white modern walls and a bar is sitting in the center of the room. I stand there stunned at how beautiful the place is and realize he probably had his dad design his apartment. Low music is playing in the background, not as loud as the chatter from the many unrecognizable faces.

"Ophelia, so glad you could make it." Rose, Forty's mother comes up to hug me and I detach from Forty. I see an older version of Forty standing next to Rose and smile sweetly before extended my hand out for him to shake.

"Very nice to meet you, may I just say how magnificent you look this evening. You can call me Richard." The man smiles, showing off his wrinkles in his cheeks and on his forehead.

"Same to you sir." I link my arm back with Forty.

"If you will excuse us, I would like to get us a couple drinks." Forty greets his parents and pulls me with him to the bar.

"You farther is lovely." I look around the packed room as he finishes ordering himself a scotch and me a martini.

"He's only like that to gorgeous women." Forty laughs and I look at him with a raised brow.

"You sure have a big family." I laugh as I look to see people dancing with their partners.

"Most are family friends, I do have a younger sister though, that I think you would get along with." He smiles and hands me my drink, clanking the glasses together.

"I would love to meet her." I sincerely reply and take a sip of the tasteful drink.

"First I would like a dance." He stands up for the stool and pulls me up into his arms, holding onto my waist, protectively. I follow him with wide-eyes as he leads me to the dance floor.

We dance for what feels like forever, Forty's arms wrapped comfortably around my waist and my head resting on his chest with my arms around his neck. It feels as if we are the only ones on the dance floor and I close my eyes at the delightful feeling. I hear his heartbeat mixed with the slow music as we rock back and froth in each others arms. I smile and look up to see him already staring at me with intense eyes.

"I plan on taking you out on more dates Ophelia but I was wondering, would you be my girlfriend?" He looks at me with hopeful eyes and I escape his grip, looking like a dear caught in the headlights.

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