C H A P T E R ❶❸

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☼ Ophelia's POV ☼

"Ophelia, please I need to talk to you." He stands there in all his glory and I try to stop myself from breaking down right now, but I can't stop the heavy flows of tears from flowing down my face as memories from fog my brain.

"I don't want to anymore I already told you this, you're just using me for your own fucking needs and I'm sick of it!" I push Kayden away as he tries to reach out for me. I can't fall for his lies anymore, it's killing me.

"It doesn't have to end like this! I told you once I move out we can be together and you're throwing that all away for some high school boy, don't be stupid Ophelia." Kayden grabs my arms, stoping me from moving out of his grasp as I scowl at him.

"You can't make me do anything." I growl at him as he brings his face closer to my ear, sending a shiver down my spine as he says, "remember those sexy pictures you sent me baby? We wouldn't want anyone getting ahold of them, now would we darling?" He starts kissing my neck and I push him away roughly, using my right hand to slap his face.

"Big mistake." Oh shit, he looks mad. He throws me into his bed and starts crawling over me and I kick with all my might to get him away. He pulls down my pants and I take it as my cue to scream at the top of lungs, hopefully waking up everyone in the house. He covers my mouth with his hand and I feel his hardness press into my thigh, making me cry. I can't stop him anymore and I'm about to give up until the door is bursted open, Soul walking in with wide eyes.

"KAYDEN STOP NOW!" Soul screams and Kayden pushes off of me. My mom and Luke walk in behind Soul.

"What is going on?" My mom says, looking like she just woke up. She takes in the scene in front of her and lunges at Kayden with all her might, but Luke holds her back.

"Get out of my house now you fuck, before I call the police!" My mom screams and moves aggressively in Luke's grip. Kayden doesn't need to be told twice and runs out of the house, never being seen again. I sit there crying as I hear my mom screaming at Luke.

I feel the bed dip, someone touching my arm making me back away in the corner. I open my eyes to see it's just Soul and I let out a breath and continue crying. Her arms wrap around my body and I allow her comfort, it's well needed.

"Leave now!" I cry out after a moment of silence, backing away so he can't get near me.

"I'm here to apologize to you, maybe start over?" There are tears in his eyes, but I know better then to believe his lies, I'm not the same naive girl I once was.

"I said, leave now." I run up to him and push him back, causing him to stumble back and grab ahold of the countertop. Soul runs to my side, holding onto my arm tightly.

"Okay, whatever." He scoffs, walking around us and exits the apartment, his messed up brown hair bouncing on the way out.

I immediately lock all the patches on the door and grab my phone, calling the first person that comes to mind that can help me in this type of situation.

"Where the hell is he?" Forty marches into the apartment, slamming the door behind him and I cuddle closer to Soul, who is sitting next to me on the couch. I called him because I knew he could help in this situation, not because I have feelings for him. I have to keep telling myself that.

Souls small arms are replaced by Forty's big muscles and I pull myself on top of him, straddling his lap as he gently rubs his fingers through my hair, letting me cry myself to sleep with his intoxicating scent hitting myself nostrils.

I'm awoken by the smell of brownies being baked in the kitchen and slowly peel my eyes open as far as they can go, I probably look like a dead rat right now from all the crying I have been doing. Soon memories of what has happened hours ago come rushing into my mind and I groan inwardly.

I push myself off the couch and saunter over to the kitchen, finding Forty cleaning up the mess he made, back turned to me.

"Thank you for coming." I rub my eyes, trying to clear up the mascara stains and lean against the island.

He turns around, probably surprised to see me up and makes his was over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I place my head in the crook of his neck and let my fingers run through his wild hair.

"You don't have anything to thank me for, I will be there for you, no matter what the issue." Forty breaths into my neck and I shiver as his minty breath hits my nose. Since I started working for him things have changed and I have a feeling I won't be getting rid of him anytime soon, I just don't know if I can take another heartbreak.

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