C H A P T E R ❶❾

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Hey guys I updated the last chapter go check the ending before coming here!

☼ Ophelia's POV ☼

The aroma of strawberry crepes causes my eyes to open slightly and I take in my position on a soft foam mattress before adverting my glance to the person standing in the small kitchen. I tense on the spot as I remember the events that have taken place before I passed out, making me shiver at the thought of Kayden less than 50 feet away. With his back still turned to me, focusing on his food, I silently search the bed for my phone. Since it's not on the bed it has to be in one of these drawers next to me so I quickly open the nightstand, revealing nothing but a Bible. Thanks a lot.

"Looking for this?" Kayden's deep voice makes me turn to face his direction. I take in his appearance, noting that he has trimmed his scruff, enough to leave it just the way I used to like it. My eyes drift to my phone that is placed in his hand and I try my best not to attack him right now and fight for it.

"Not anymore." I glare at the sad expression on his beautiful face. He makes his way to me, causing me to back up on the bed until I hit the headboard, making me let out a yelp. Kayden sits on the bed close to my body placing his hand gently on my knee, I jump from the contact.

"I would never hurt you, Blue." His eyes start to water and I can't believe what a great actor he is. Especially since he thinks using the name he has called me many times before will convince me that he is being sincere. I loathe him.

"You have many times in the past, who's to say you wouldn't again?" I quirk a brow, I'm not backing down from this. I'm not the same naive girl I once was.

"Yes I understand I have hurt you in ways I wish I could fix but I would never physically hurt you." He tries to reach his finger against my wet cheek but I push it away, causing hurt to flash across his face. I wish I could honestly tell when he was being true and fake, it hurts that I fell for so many lies before, I can't risk it again.

"Why am I here?" I ask the question through gritted teeth, wanting to get out of this situation as soon as possible.

"Who's Forty huh?" He glares down at my phone in his hand, ignoring me. I roll my eyes at his jealous and immature behavior.

"My boyfriend, who actually treats me with respect and doesn't have to use blackmail to get his way." I bluntly state the truth, something he could never do. Fucking asshole.

"You seriously just moved here and you're already dating someone." He scoffs in annoyance.

"It's actually none of your business, you lost the right to know." I growl in frustration, needing to find a way out of here.

"I'll let you leave," Kayden takes a moment to pause before looking me straight in the eyes, "But I just need you to hear me out first." He pleads and grabs a hold of one of my hands.

I'm very skeptical about this because he could either be putting on a facade or being for real, and it's a scary thought that I don't know the difference between the two.

"What?" I scrunch my eyebrows together as a sign to continue.

"I know what I did was horrible and I would hate me too if I was in your position but I need you to know that I was immature and scared you were going to leave." He looks sincere, but I can't fall for it.

"First of all, I don't hate you or your dad or anyone that took your side in this situation." I put my hand up stopping him from speaking, "but, I do hate myself for allowing you to hurt me the way that you did." I wipe off a small tear that makes it's way under my eye.

Nodding his head, "I understand completely and I don't think you should blame or hate yourself in the situation because I am the one a hundred percent at fault." Kayden begins to cry and I sit there stunned at this bizarre moment, he never cries.

I rub his back gently, cringing at me trying to support him. I guess I was just glad I had people there for me and I wouldn't want him to be upset about it alone. I did almost put him in jail.

"I'm so sorry, Is there any possible way you could perhaps try to forgive me for everything I have done?" Kayden's orbs are filled with hopefulness and I can't help but to feel nice that he apologized for his messed up decisions. I think he actually might be changing and I'm not mad about it.

"I accept your apology, but that doesn't mean I forgive you. I don't think I could ever forgive you for what you did, but I am happy your changing for the better and want you to go find happiness like I did here in this city." I nod my head as encouragement to him and he shyly nods in my direction.

"I have always love you, you know." He states and gives me a sad glance.

"You might have thought you did, but trust me what we had wasn't love." I reply, trying not to sound harsh. He chuckles and shakes his head, disagreeing with my statement. He can believe whatever he wants but what he put me through and all the things he has said, weren't based off of the so called love he had for me.

"I'm going to go now, I think you need to head back home." I start picking myself off the bed and feel his presence behind my body.

"Okay, I wish to see you again," He places a hand on my shoulder and pulls me into a forced hug. I pat his back awkwardly as I try to get out of his grip.

"Bye Kayden." I smile and walk out of the hotel room. I just left the past and I'm very happy for that closure.

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