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The elevator bell dinged and Lucifer exclaimed, "Fantastic! You're here. Ah, starving! Can't think why!" He laughed. "Okay. Thank you. Uh, this should, uh, well, this should just about cover it." He gave the pizza guy a wad of cash and laughed again. "Have a nice evening." He noticed the pizza guy staring. "Oh, curious. In your line of work, how many times has it happened to you? You know, like in those wonderful Internet videos? Your deliveries ending in sex."

"Uh, never," the pizza guy replied.

"Well, that changes tonight. Come! Come on! Come, come! Come."

"I'm still on the clock."

"Oh, you'll always be on the clock. But how often will you be here? Hey? Oh, Brittanys. Brittanys!"

"Yeah!" The Brittanys called.

"Pizza delivery guy. Pizza delivery guy, Brittanys."


"Well, go on," Lucifer said. "Have fun."

"Come on! Lucifer! Come join us."

"Be right there, darlings."

"All right."

"I'm just trying to set the world alight. You got problems, well, so have I."


"But I didn't join them," Lucifer said, laying on the couch. "Three Brittanys in the Jacuzzi. Three. Why didn't I join them?"

"Why do you think you didn't join them?" Linda asked.

"I don't know, Doctor. That's what I pay you to figure out, isn't it?"

"Have you ever considered that all of this excessive partying may be your attempt to fill a void?"

""Attempt"? I filled five voids last night."

"That's not what I mean. A void in your emotional life. You sound lonely."

"Lonely"? Have you been listening to a word I've said? I am never alone. I'm constantly surrounded by people. You know? I party whenever I desire. My bed is never cold."

"Lucifer, being alone and being lonely are two entirely different things."

"Are they?"

"Yes! You may be surrounded by others, but do you truly consider any of those people your friend?"

"My friend?"

"A peer you respect. Someone you like to spend time with. Someone with whom you share a meaningful connection."

"Well, you and I connect quite well."

"I'm talking personal. What about Maze?"

"No. She and I are on the outs, I'm afraid. Long story filled with betrayal. You actually make a cameo in it."

"How about Detective Decker or Deputy Iosua? Do you consider them your friends?"

Lucifer said. "Well, quite honestly, I'm not sure what we are. Me and the deputy."


"Listen, can we talk?" Maze asked.

"I don't have time for traitors," Lucifer retorted.

"But someone else is here to see you for a favor."

"Not in the mood, Maze."

"Trust me. You don't want to miss this one."

"You wanted to speak with me?" Lucifer asked, seeing the priest.

"Lucifer Morningstar," the priest said. "Father Frank Lawrence."

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