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Lucifer looked in surprise at his partners. "Come on, Detective, Deputy. You two can't seriously believe I killed that pathetic malcontent."

"It doesn't matter what we believe," Chloe said as Lani nodded.

"That's all that matters, Detective, Deputy."

"Put your hands in the air and surrender yourself," Lani demanded as a grin crossed Lucifer's face and he laughed. "This isn't funny, Lucifer."

"Isn't it? I think this is the grandest joke that I've heard in all my time. The best part is it's on me!"

"Come peacefully," Chloe told him. "We'll go to the station--"

"No. We won't."

"What are you doing?" Lani and Chloe asked.

"I'm accepting my role in all of this. All of humanity's sins are the Devil's fault, right? I thought you two knew different, but I was wrong. You're both just like all the others. So, why not add one more murder to the pile?"

"That isn't what this is, Lucifer," Lani told him.

"Come on. What are you waiting for? You wanted your bad guy. Well, here he is, gift-wrapped just for you!"

"Don't take another step," Chloe warned.

Lucifer turned to a cop. "You! Newbie. Come on. Riddle me with bullets, so you can go home, drink an ice-cold beer, and feel better about yourselves!"

"Don't shoot him," Lani and Chloe said. "He's unarmed."

"Oh, you don't know that," Lucifer replied, reaching into his suit pocket. "Maybe I have a gun."

"Hands in the air!" The cop demanded.

"Do it!"

"Don't!" Chloe and Lani cried as the cop shot at Lucifer.

When the gunfire ceased, Lucifer was gone.

"What just happened?" Chloe asked. "Search the area. He can't have gotten far."


"Can we not tell anyone you just carried me in your arms like a baby?" Lucifer asked.

"What were you trying to accomplish in there?" Amenadiel questioned.

"Uh, a good death? Or at least a nice and messy one. But then you had to come and ruin everything, like always. Why'd you swoop in and stop it? Wouldn't let someone else send me to Hell, is that it? Well, guess what, brother, you don't need to kill me, because I'm done here. I've had my fun on Earth, and there's no reason for me to stay anymore. You win. I'll go willingly. Please, just take me back to Hell."



"Hey. What happened to Lucifer?" Dan asked.

"You didn't hear?" Chloe said.

"What happened to him?"

Lani turned to him. "He disappeared. He's on the run."

A cop picked up one of Maze's demon knives. "Ow."

"Let me see that," Dan said. "Have you ever seen a knife like this?"

"Yeah," Chloe replied.

"Uh, I'll take it to the station."

"Careful. It's crazy sharp."


"Hey. We need to talk to you. I know this is gonna sound crazy, especially after what just happened, but she and I think Lucifer is innocent."

Evermore (Devil's ʻĀnela) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now