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Lucifer was sitting on the couch. "And so there we were, the detective, the deputy and I, standing in their kitchen, and the deputy made me a sandwich."

Linda didn't answer and Lucifer chuckled softly. "I believe this is the part where you tell me it's more than just a sandwich. For example, maybe it was a gesture of intimacy. You know, the slices of bread representing, perhaps, the deputy's trust. Or was it a mistrustful sandwich? I--Doctor, please, what delicious message was she sending me?"

"What about Hitler?"

"The sandwich is Hitler?"

"How did you actually torture Hitler in Hell? I mean, is his cell next to Idi Amin's? Or Mussolini's? Or is there kind of a-a-a-a tyrant wing in Hell?"

"Right." He chuckled. "I suppose it was futile of me to think that you wouldn't want to discuss the whole "I'm really the Devil" thing. The actual Devil?" He sighed. "Look, I have to say I was worried I'd never see you again. I thought I'd - scared you off for good."

"Yes, well, Maze, of all people, well, of all demons, gave me some needed clarity."

"Did she, now?"


"Right. Well, speaking of clarity, do you mind if we return to my current emotional growth?"

"Oh. Yes. Sorry."

"Apology accepted. So, um, what do you think it means?"

"What about my Uncle Edwin? Is he down there? I mean, 'cause he was--" she chuckled, "you know. He was one bad mama jama."


"I think I've broken my therapist," Lucifer said. "And now she's somewhere to the left of totally useless and to the right of babbling lunatic."

"Oh, so she's you in a skirt," Chloe replied while Lani let out a small giggle.

"Very funny. This is serious, Detective, Deputy. I'm actually a bit worried for her."

Lani thought for a moment. "Hmm, I'm sure she'll be fine, but if you need anyone to talk to, we're here."

"This is actually something I can't discuss with you two."

"What?" Chloe asked. "I'm sure we can handle it. We've seen all your ugly parts by now."

"Not even close, I'm afraid."

Dan walked up and Lucifer said, "Saved by the Douche."

"Our victim's name is Maddie Howard," Dan informed. "She was attacked when she left her apartment. The assailant chased her down the alley and stabbed her repeatedly. 19 times, to be exact."

"Overkill is usually a crime of passion; they probably knew each other," Chloe noted.

"She was killed in broad daylight?" Lani asked.

"There must have been witnesses," Lucifer said.

Dan nodded. "Yeah, a bunch, but depending on who you ask, the killer was a male who's either Hispanic, Caucasian or black, short or tall, brown or blond hair, or completely bald." He walked off.

"So we're dealing with a shapeshifter," Lucifer said.

"Well, eyewitness testimonies can be unreliable," Chloe replied.

"Yeah, people's ojos go a little loco," Ella commented. "Evidence, however, does not lie. We got substantial bruising to the skin, blade penetrated not only soft tissue, but also bone. So the killer was big and strong. Also, blond head hair, so odds are really good - we're looking for a white guy."

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