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A tour guide, over the PA, said in a bored, monotone, voice, "Sunshine. Beautiful people. Expensive cars. The glamorous life. Get ready to see the real Los Angeles on this thrill ride tour."

Lucifer flipped through his brochure. "Well, it appears I've been misled. Whoever put together this brochure should get special treatment in Hell."

"I don't need you to show me around the city," Amenadiel said.

"Well, of course you do. This is an exciting time, brother! Now that we're making Los Angeles our home, the City of Angels can finally earn its name."

"You are making a home. Mom and I are gonna find a way to get back to the Silver City. One way or another."

"But why? When Los Angeles has so much to offer?"

The tour guide continued. "On your right, you'll see the famous shop, Pooch Pouch, the store that sells purses for purse-sized dogs."


"Don't get it confused with the store--"

Lucifer stood up and made his way to the front. "Excuse me. Sorry."

"--that sells dogs in the shapes of purses."

"Sorry, I do apologize."

"That's on your left--"

"Pardon me, excuse me. Yeah, thank you. Please. That's your corner." He took the microphone from the tour guide. "Ah. Right. Forget everything you just slept through. Welcome to Los Angeles, city of reinvention, where you can become whomever you want. Uh, if we look over here--That humungous house in the distance, the owner, he moved out here with just ten dollars and a dream. Within three years, he was running the largest underground sex club in the country. Los Angeles is also a place where you can do whatever you want. To your right side over here, this folically challenged man--That's Sleepy Pete. Hello, Pete." He waved. "Give us a wave. Everyone waved at Pete."

Camera shutters clicked and Lucifer continued. "He will sell you the best Molly in the city." He chuckled. "Don't buy his cocaine, though. It's got enough baking soda in it to make a cake. It's not a bad idea, as I think about it. To your right again--My nightclub, Lux! The city's crowning achievement. My brother and I--" He noticed Amenadiel was gone and got off the bus.


"I don't understand him," Lucifer said. "Why don't Amenadiel embrace this city like I have?"

"Well, people often need time to adjust to change. And he's only been here for a few months. And what if you say is true--"

"What? That he's got a stick so far up his ass you can see it when he yawns?"

"That he's a fallen angel."

"Oh, yes, that too."

"Then this could be about more than finding a home for him. But we're here to talk about you. Why did you recently decide that this was your home?"

"Well, I said it when I was in a row with my mum. I didn't realize how true it was until I yelled it in her face."

"Yes, your mother, who is a literal goddess of all creation. Still haven't quite wrapped my brain around that one."

"Yes, well, anyway, her and Amenadiel want to get back to the Silver City, but it's not my home. It never was."

"And neither was Hell."

"No. No, that was somewhere I was sent as a punishment. Like the DMV, but less screaming."

"So would you say this is your first home?"

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