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Lucifer was drinking and watching over his mother when Amenadiel appeared.

"Lucifer, we need to talk about something," Amenadiel said.

"What... Can it wait?" Lucifer asked. "I'm busy keeping an eye on our mercurial mother."

"No, it's important. I think you might be in danger."

"Is it the Yakuza? The Nephilim? One Million Mums?"

"It's Maze. She's angry with you, brother."

"Well, is it Tuesday already? Anger is Maze's default setting, sort of baked into her demon DNA."

"No, this is different, Luci. I think you really need to talk to her."

"She'll get over it; she always does. Right now, we have bigger issues to deal with, like whether or not Mum is wasting our time."

"If she believes her client has found another piece of the Flaming Sword, so do I."

"Oh, such a loyal son. But Mum hasn't adapted to this world as well as you might think. This chap could be conning her... I think I'm gonna go make sure..."

"She seems to be doing just fine."

They saw Goddess put a briefcase on the table.

"That's not the money, is it?" Lucifer questioned.

"Of course not," Amenadiel replied. "She wouldn't bring it to the meeting."

"Oh, no. Of course not. I mean, that would be absurd, wouldn't it?"

"She's just showing it to him. I mean, it's not like she's gonna hand it to him before she... Gets the piece. That's great."

The guy took the money and left.

"And now she's letting him leave. Marvelous," Lucifer muttered.

Lucifer and Amenadiel joined Goddess and she said, "Well, that went well."

"Oh, you think, do you?" Lucifer questioned.

"I do. He has what we need in his safe in the back room."


"He's going to get it right now."

"Mum, you just handed him a briefcase full of cash with no proof whatsoever he has what we need."


"You've been conned."

"He's a client of mine, darling. I don't think he'd be that foolhardy."


"Well, I'm sure he'll be right back... Maybe we should go check just to be sure."

"I think that's a good idea, don't you?"


The three of them entered the manager's office at the restaurant and saw that the man was dead.

"Huh," Goddess noted. "See? He didn't con me."

Lucifer frowned slightly. "Look, instead he's dead, and someone robbed him of what's ours... Much better. Well, the good news is, after this spectacular bungling, I happen to work with a homicide detective and a deputy."

"If you find the killer, then you'll find our piece of the Flaming Sword."

"Hey, but, Mom..." Amenadiel began.

Lucifer cut him off. "The challenge is... Making sure we catch the case before some other detective."

"But what about..."

Evermore (Devil's ʻĀnela) [ON HOLD]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora