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A woman squealed and Lucifer said, "There's no need for squeals. We'll stop this torture any time you like." He continued pouring wax on her body. "Just say the word."

"Don't you dare, stop," the woman replied.

Lucifer chuckled and his mom asked, "What happens if he stops? Well, Lucifer, don't be shy. Introduce me to your friend."

"Lucifer, you brought a surprise."

Lucifer frowned. "I most certainly did not bring any surprises."

"Oh, she's beautiful."

"That's my mum you're talking about."

"This just got too weird." The woman started gathering her stuff.

The elevator bell dinged as she left.

Lucifer turned to his mother. "Listen, Mum, I know I chose not to return you to Hell, yet--"

"Which I appreciate."

"But that doesn't mean you can just waltz in here and accost my guests."

"I apologize. It's just that all these human rules and customs are so confusing. Remember, I'm still getting used to this earthly skin sack."

"Yes, yes, you used to be a goddess."

"I know, but things are different now. And I will figure it out. Now that we're together again, I just want to be part of your lives."

"Not this part! Out of bounds. Wait. What do you mean by "lives"?"

"I want to see Amenadiel."

Lucifer laughed and his mother asked, "What? It's time. I am not going to live in fear of my own son. We may have had our differences--"

"He literally carried you to Hell."

"But I created him. Certainly has to count for something."

"It doesn't. Bummer, right? One look at you, and he'll take you right back where you came from. I'm surprised he hasn't come sniffing around already."

"Well, what am I supposed to do, just sit here and hide?"

"See a movie, go to a museum. Catch up on what's happened over the past few thousand years. You'd be surprised."

"Yes. I suppose a lot has changed. I mean, who would've predicted you would've taken on this human job?"

"I'm a punisher, Mother. It's what I've always done. The only thing that changed was the locale."


Two small scoffs sounded.

Dan looked across the desk. "I know what you two are thinking, but I was assisting on a stakeout that went long, and I'm really sorry, but I promise you two, I will make it up to you both, okay?"

"How?" Trixie and Kiana demanded.

Dan held up two cakes. "Double fudge, your favorites."

"You're lucky we like you," Trixie shot back.

Dan leaned closer to Kiana and said quietly, "Don't tell your mother."

Chloe sighed, walking up to them. "Hey."

Lani walked up and frowned, seeing Kiana with cake.

"Hey," Dan replied. "Thank you both for letting me do the pickup here at work. I've been running around a lot since the demotion. You know, helping out on everyone else's cases."

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