05: Not up to his standards

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|05: Not up to his standards|

"I take it that the banner really did say goodbye... huh? Huh?! Man, I am one funny dude,"

"Stop doing that,"

"Stop doing what,"

"Toryn, I will punch you,"

"You could never,"

I look up at Toryn through my lashes, sending him daggers. He looks down at me, grinning widely.

I grit my teeth, "Toryn, I am not in the mood right now,"

Anger is what consumes me.

This day literally couldn't get any worse.

Ryan's goodbye banner has flopped. I spent literal hours working on this last night. I decided to use paint because why not? Paint is fun. It's relaxing once you get the hang of it. I left it on the kitchen counter to dry. That was a mistake.

Mom casually spilled her coffee all over it. Then she didn't even bother apologizing. Which means I'll have to restart the entire thing. Which also means I have to suffer from Toryn's horrible puns.

And to make matters worse, Juju wouldn't do his daily bathroom routine for the longest time. Then that caused me to miss my bus. So, I chased after it... only to fall flat on my ass in a mud puddle.

In front of a bunch of my neighbors, and fellow classmates.

My hair is a mess. My legs are exposed to the chilly weather because I had nothing else to change out of my muddy pants into besides a knee-high skirt. I'm tired. I want to be eat and go to sleep. I've been sulking at a table in the cafeteria for the past twenty minutes, looking like a hot mess.

So no. I'm not in the greatest mood of all time.

"Aw," Toryn coos while taking a seat, "How can I help ya?"

"You can't. Unless you can magically make a decent looking banner and have everyone write a message on it in... two days?"

Toryn looks at me with a blank face, "Can I get uh... raincheck on that?"

I smile at him but it lacked the cheerfulness it should have. Toryn noticed and put his arm around my shoulders.

"I'm sure whatever you make in the end will be good enough for Ryan, he'll love it and you know it," Toryn says while kissing my head. I groan, leaning away from his side hug.

"Someone say my name?" a small voice speaks from behind us. Recognizing the voice to belong to Ryan, I jump out of my seat, twirling around.

In front of me stood Ryan, his chubby cheeks red like they always are. He honestly looked like a chipmunk, only one hundred times cuter.

His frame is on the shorter and petite side, much like mine. Only he's really short. Once he told me that he hasn't grown since his fifth grade year.

"Ryan!" I exclaim with a big smile. He grins at me while skipping up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

Ryan is one of the few people who could make my mood switch instantly. Being around him is the best thing ever. He's sweet, funny, gentle.

He's adorable! My heart explodes every second I'm around him. It's a surprise that I'm not dead yet.

"Hey, little dude! It's been like, forever," I lean down to properly hug him back, squeezing him tight.

"I'm really sorry I haven't been here... I got really sick... super high fever and everything," Ryan explains, his words muffled.

I pull away, "It's okay, little dude. Just... don't go around getting everyone sick,"

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