27: Huggies from Ada

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|27: Huggies from Ada |

"Adaline, dear?"

"... Mom, I told you she won't wake up,"

"Can't you just let her sleep? She looks fine,"

"No, I don't want her to break her hearing aids. And the couch isn't comfortable, Mom,"

The whispering voices fade into nothing. Slowly, my senses begin to come back but they return weakly. My head pounds and my eyes feel heavy. I frown at the slight pain, moving my head around slightly.

"Ada? Are you awake?" the deeper voice reappears, making me realize that I can hear.

Wait... I can hear?

Arms slip under my body and I feel myself being lifted. I frown with my eyes still shut tight. Drowsiness was the main feeling in my body, accompanied with some confusion.

My body bobs up and down but I make no effort to see why. The arms I'm in are familiar and I could honestly go back to sleep.

And that's exactly my plan. Tiredly, I let my head hang back and groan as I feel myself starting to slip back into sleep.

"Okay, Ada... watch your head..." the deep voice speaks again and I feel a hand press again the back of my head, moving it closer to whatever was holding me.

"Mmm..." I groan as I feel my body being set onto something soft and squishy.

But the comfortable feeling was taken away from me as I'm sat up again, being held up by an arm. I frown again, trying to figure out why I'm not getting the sleep I want.

"Hey, Ada? Could you open your eyes for a second?" the voice speaks to me gently and hands shake my body slightly.

Slowly, I crack my eyes open ever so slightly. My eyelashes and lids feel like they're soaked, as if I was crying. There's a dim light on but it isn't bright enough to hurt looking at.

My tired eyes settle on a face in front of me. As I quickly recognize the face to be Nemo's, I frown even more.

So this is why I'm not getting my sleep. But why is he here? I'm in my house trying to sleep for crying out loud.

... right?

Or... am I still at his house? My memory is so fuzzy right now...

"Nemo...?" I utter out while looking around slowly, squinting. I see that I'm in a room and on a bed. The window shows that it's still pitch black outside.

A very comfy bed. I shall sleep now.

As I start to close my eyes again and lean back, Nemo quickly grabs me while chuckling.

"Ada... you can go back to sleep but I need you to help me take your hearing aids out," Nemo says and the bed dips as he sits on it, "I don't... really know how so..."

"Hm...?" I hum and smile tiredly, "Sleep?"

"Yes," he chuckles again while rubbing my arm. My body sways as I try my best to keep it upright.

Closing my watery eyes, I sigh softly. I open them again to see Nemo is still staring at me like he's uncertain what to do.

I hum again with another tired smile, reaching up to my left ear and searching for my hearing aid.

"Off... off button," I mutter lazily and feel my fingers brush against the hearing aid. A scratching noise is heard as I gently drag my fingers over the top of the aid.

"Off button...?" Nemo asks, urging me to finish my sentence.

I blink slowly while nodding, "Off button... on top. For... for both,"

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