14: You're gonna get creamed

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|14: You're gonna get creamed|

"I say we do... green,"


"No, wait! Do... do yellow. Pink looks nice with yellow. Very aesthetic,"

With a paintbrush in my hands, I stare up at Toryn from my seat on the ground. Toryn rubs his chin as he stares at the cardboard box between my legs.

"Mhm. Yep. Definitely do yellow," he says, nodding.

Ms. Rhye gave Toryn and I permission to leave class early. The club is having a special activity where we have to write something that we love about ourselves, or someone else, on a paper. Amber is making it where you cannot write anything negative, or leave it blank.

And the 'leaders', like Amber, Toryn and I, along with some others, will be walking around incase anyone needs help. Like, we're supposed to ask them what are their hobbies, or things like... is there anything that they can do that others can't.

Y'know, things like that. Things that get you really thinking about yourself.

Amber is getting all the snacks set up and making sure there's enough materials, while Toryn and I (mostly me) are cutting up pieces of paper. I thought it'd be cool to have two different colors, instead of just plain old white paper. 

This is all exciting, don't get me wrong. I'm just not... I'm not too joyful right now.

Every time I drift off into my thoughts, I slip into my dark place.

The place where I'm alone. The place where Toryn isn't there. The place where all my thoughts and memories from the past resurface.

And in that dark place, I hear nothing but the echoes of voices that shout the words 'freak'. Then, in that same dark place, a new voice surfaces... a new voice joins in... calling me a freak.

It's Nemo's voice.

Sure, he didn't say it to my face. It was all in a message. But that doesn't matter. He doesn't have to say it to my face. Every little thing already exists, it's in the depths of my mind.

Just one wrong move, and all those little things come crawling out. All at once, or one by one.

I haven't seen... him since he left for his class this morning. And... if I'm going to be honest... I'm not really wanting to.

If I see him... I'll probably pretend like everything is okay, and that I know nothing. Fake it till I make it. The last thing I want is to feel like I'm annoying him with my personal issues.

And let's not forget that Toryn isn't Nemo's biggest fan at the moment. Although I had to twist his arm to convince him that I'll handle it on my own.

You would think I wouldn't be so affected with all the shit I hear. It's just... it's different when you hear it from someone you were getting close to.

If we even were getting close.

"Good day, wife and Toryn,"

I lift my head at the sound of someone speaking, and see Rory strutting across the cafeteria with Zoe at her side. To my surprise, Zoe gives Toryn and I a small finger wave, a blush on her cheeks.

"... hi Rory..." I greet her, forcing the biggest smile onto my face to mask my sadness, "What are you doing here?"

"Yes. The bell rang about thirty seconds ago," Rory states as she stops in front of me.

I look down, "Oh... I must've... been in a whole different world, heh,"

"What... what are you work... working on?" Zoe asks, her voice soft and quiet.

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