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Taehyung silently snipped away at his client's hair as pop music blared through the speakers behind him. He was hyper focused on the task at hand and didn't bat an eye when another customer entered the shop. He made his last few cuts and smiled as he took the protective smock off of the client. "Done. Do you like it?" he asked with a grin. The customer wore a small smile, as she ran her hands through her hair a couple of times. She nodded excitedly and followed Taehyung to the register where she paid for his service. Taehyung gave a small wave as she left. Only then did he finally notice the young boy sitting in the corner.

"Hello, are you ready?" Taehyung asked. The boy looked up, startled, and nodded. Taehyung led him to the chair and whisked the smock onto him. Now that the light was on his face, Taehyung could see how utterly beautiful he was. He had hesitant, brown eyes and a charming smile that made even Taehyung a tiny bit flustered. "What's your name?" he found himself asking. "Jeongguk." Taehyung nodded and ran his hands through Jeongguk's surprisingly soft locks. His hair was currently a light brown and hung well over his ears. "So what can I do for you today, Jeongguk?"

A light blush fell over his face. Taehyung's voice was so deep and hearing him say his name caused a chill to run down his spine. "I want to go blonde..," he spoke cautiously. Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Blonde?" Jeongguk nodded, suddenly feeling a tad self conscious. He bit his bottom lip and waited for Taehyung's response. "That might take a while, is that okay?" Jeongguk thought back to his boyfriend who was at work. "I-I have time," he smiled softly. Taehyung nodded and left the room to go get the supplies, leaving anxious little Jeongguk all alone. His mind kept wandering back to his boyfriend. Would he like his hair? Or would he punish Jeongguk for it? Jeongguk nervously chewed on his lip and picked at his nails, both nervous ticks of his. Taehyung came back and laid his supplies on the table. He parted Jeongguk's hair into different sections and got to work. "So, what made you decide to go blonde, babe?" Jeongguk jumped at the pet name.

"Sorry, it's a habit," Taehyung smiled sheepishly. "N-No it's okay," Jeongguk mumbled, embarrassed of his childish behavior. "You didn't answer my question." Taehyung let out a soft chuckle and glanced at Jeongguk in the mirror. "O-Oh, I uh, thought it'd be good and I haven't done much with my hair and I just wanted to try something new for once. I'm just hoping my boyfriend will like it..." "You haven't told him?" Taehyung questioned. "I-I want to surprise him." Taehyung hummed in response. There was a comfortable silence for a split second before Taehyung paused his actions. "Jeongguk, do you sing?" he asked. Jeongguk met his eyes in the mirror and could see a hint of a smile. "Y-Yeah, but what makes you ask?" "You just have a really pretty and smooth voice, so I assumed you sang," Taehyung said nonchalantly. Jeongguk could feel his face heat up at the compliment.

"Can you sing for me?" Jeongguk stumbled for words upon hearing the request. "S-Sing?" Taehyung nodded. "I won't judge you bub. Plus, I bet you have an amazing voice," he encouraged. Jeongguk thought for a moment. "Wh-What song?" Taehyung smiled. "Whatever you wanna sing." Jeongguk nodded, already having a song in mind. "The stage is all yours," Taehyung teased. Jeongguk cleared his throat and warmed up his voice by singing a few notes. He hesitantly began to sing as Taehyung worked on his hair. Jeongguk didn't even know Taehyung's name, but for some reason, he felt so comfortable with the pretty man. Taehyung had such feminine features and seemed very soft-spoken. With his hazy eyes and curly dyed-grey hair, he was undeniably mysterious. He seemed as if his attention was always on something far out; he was hard to reach in his built up fantasy world. Jeongguk finished up the song and looked at Taehyung in the mirror for approval. A fond smile was on his face. "Jeongguk, you have a beautiful voice," he claimed.

"Th-Thank you." "Do you sing for your boyfriend often? I bet he adores your voice as well," Taehyung stated. Jeongguk's smile dropped. His boyfriend hated it when he sang. He said it was 'annoying', so Jeongguk only sang to himself in the rare moments he had alone. "A-Actually, he uh, doesn't like my voice..." Jeongguk trailed. Taehyung grimaced as a bad feeling began to pool in the pit of his stomach. Something was off about the way Jeongguk spoke of his boyfriend. He ignored this feeling though and continued to tend to Jeongguk. "Oh really? That's a shame, your voice is so pretty." Jeongguk forced a smile and looked down at his lap. "I used to sing back in high school actually. I planned on being a singer but things didn't work out as you can see," Taehyung laughed sheepishly. "Really?"

"Yeah, I had even signed with a record label." Taehyung's eyes had once again become hazy. "W-What happened?" Jeongguk inquired. "My parents were completely against it and told me to find a real job." Taehyung drew in a sharp breath. "I-I'm sorry, that sounds awful." Taehyung chuckled softly. "It's okay. Sorry to ruin the mood with my sappy stories." Jeongguk spared him a sympathetic smile. For the rest of the bleaching process, they sat in an awkward silence. "We have to wait for an hour-ish now for it to set in," Taehyung stated as he took his gloves off. Jeongguk nodded and took out his phone. There were dozens of texts from his boyfriend, causing his heart to drop. His eyes welled up with tears and Taehyung saw this. He chose to keep quiet. It wasn't his business anyways.

Jeongguk's heartbeat became erratic and he could no longer steady his breathing. His phone began to ring. "C-Can I take this?" he asked with fear lacing his voice. Taehyung nodded, worry evident on his face. He left the room, giving the boy some privacy, but being sure to be close enough to listen in. Taehyung was worried for the boy. "H-Hello?" Jeongguk answered hesitantly.

"Where the hell are you?"

A/N: Hey new book 'cause quarantine got me with a shit ton of free time. Plus, I haven't updated shit on this app so I'm trying to become more active. 💜

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