
1.7K 92 7

Jeongguk woke up tangled in the sheets of Tahyung's bed, sunlight pouring in through the thin lines of the blinds. He squinted as he sat up, his hair sticking up in all directions as he looked around the room. The room was bright and full of green. Flowers in makeshift vases sat on the window sill and on Taehyung's desk along with an array of different papers and pens. His various artwork hung on his walls, contrasting from the plainness of the walls itself. Dreamcatchers and dried flowers were suspended above his bed, as if he still believed that they protected him from nightmares. Jeongguk thought that the room suited Taehyung well. It reflected his personality perfectly. Jeongguk rolled over, snuggling into the soft comforter. It smelled like Taehyung and this made him smile.

The clock that sat on the bedside table read eight-thirty. Jeongguk sighed, not wanting to leave the bed. He knew that Taehyung was already up and getting on with his day, so Jeongguk didn't want to camp out in his room. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and yawned as he stretched his arms out. After a surprisingly good night's sleep, he felt hungry. Though eating made him feel guilty, he thought that breakfast couldn't hurt. He exited the room and shuffled down the hallway, still feeling a bit lethargic. Taehyung was sitting at the kitchen table, sipping on his tea as he typed away on his laptop. He looked up upon hearing Jeongguk's soft padding across the wooden floor. A smile appeared on his face. "Good morning cutie," he teased, cooing at his messy hair and pouty lips. Jeongguk smiled tiredly and sat down next to him, humming in response.

"Are you feeling better?" Taehyung asked, setting his mug down. Jeongguk pursed his lips and nodded. He truly did feel better after getting the rest he so desperately needed. "That's good, do you want breakfast?" "Do you have any coffee?" Jeongguk inquired, the idea of breakfast leaving his mind almost as soon as it entered. He craved the bitter drink instead. Taehyung nodded, standing up to brew a cup. "I didn't think you'd be a coffee drinker, nasty," Taehyung shook his head, laughing softly. "What's wrong with coffee?" Taehyung turned around, grimacing just thinking about coffee. "It's gross." Jeongguk rolled his eyes at Taehyung's childishness. "I prefer tea," he beamed proudly. Jeongguk stood up and approached Taehyung, his arms open. Taehyung smiled at him and wrapped his arms around his neck, their noses touching. "You think being cute can make up for the fact that you drink coffee?" he scoffed playfully. "Hopefully." He giggled and nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck. Jeongguk's mood dropped almost as soon as it was raised.

What if he has a girlfriend? Taehyung was undeniably handsome and had a charming personality, so there was no way he was single. Jeongguk pulled away from him, mustering the best smile he could and returning to his seat. He gazed at him, his smile beginning to droop with sadness. Taehyung was just being nice to him. It's not like Jeongguk would ever have a chance, especially if he was in fact dating someone. But Jeongguk was getting attached to the pretty boy and those alluring eyes of his. Taehyung handed Jeongguk his cup of coffee. "Do you want sugar and creamer?" Jeongguk shook his head, still not quite out of his negative headspace. "You drink your coffee black?" he exclaimed in disbelief, feigning a gag. Jeongguk laughed half-heartedly, watching as a smile spread across Taehyung's face. "I need to take a shower. Also, I have work from nine to six today. You can come if you want or just stay here. Either one is fine with me," Taehyung explained as he washed his empty mug out.

"If you do plan on going though, I suggest you change out of those clothes." Jeongguk nodded as he silently sipped his bitter coffee. "Okay, I'll be out in a few minutes." Taehyung walked down the hallway and into the bathroom, not bothering to lock the door. Jeongguk sighed. His mood was ruined because of his own thoughts. But what if Taehyung really did have a girlfriend? Jeongguk loved having Taehyung to himself, but if he had someone else, he couldn't do anything about it. He felt tears start to well up and he quickly blinked them away, not wanting to cry over something so foolish. After finishing most of his coffee, he poured the rest out and washed the mug just as Taehyung had.

He made his way back to his bedroom and grabbed a pair of blue skinny jeans and an oversized band tee-- long sleeved, of course. The shower water stopped running and Jeongguk changed into his clothes hurriedly. He didn't want to make Taehyung wait for him too long. He left his room, almost running into Taehyung. "Sorry," he muttered. Taehyung smiled, only wearing a towel around his waist. A dark red blush fell over Jeongguk's cheeks, his hands flying up to cover his eyes. "I-I didn't realize you were..." "Jeongguk, it's fine. I'm not naked, chill out," he laughed, finding Jeongguk's embarrassment adorable. "B-But still..." "I'll put some clothes on baby, calm down. I'm assuming you're coming with me?" Jeongguk nodded, avoiding Taehyung's intense gaze. "Okay, just wait for me at the door. I'll be there in a sec." With that, he entered his room, leaving a flustered Jeongguk in the hallway. Jeongguk shook his head and stood by the front door, waiting for Taehyung to come out.

"Hey, you ready?" Jeongguk looked over to Taehyung who wore a black shirt and black skinny jeans. They exited the house and entered Taehyung's car. "Do you have any song requests?" Jeongguk shook his head, not really knowing any appropriate songs. Taehyung smiled and stared at Jeongguk. He found him so utterly precious and thought he looked adorable in his oversized shirt. He didn't have the time, nor the money to go buy Jeongguk new clothes, so he just threw some of his own clothes in his dresser. Jeongguk gripped his sleeves tightly. Taehyung could feel how anxious the poor boy was. Despite this, he turned his attention back to the road and turned on the radio. Jeongguk bit his lip as he thought about earlier. He just had to know. "Tae, are you not bothered by the fact that I'm gay?" he found himself asking. It wasn't quite the approach he wanted to make, but that's what came out. Taehyung furrowed his brows and glanced at Jeongguk. "No? Why would you being gay bother me?" Jeongguk averted his gaze. "I-I don't know, I thought you'd might be uncomfortable with me living with you since I'm into guys. Like you might've thought that I would try to get into your pants..." Taehyung laughed at Jeongguk's seriousness.

"Jeongguk, you know I'm gay too, right?" Jeongguk paused, a dark red blush falling over his cheeks. "O-Oh..." Taehyung let the information settle in before adding on. "And no, I don't have a boyfriend. I broke up with my ex a couple weeks before I met you, so I'm all yours," he teased slightly. Jeongguk couldn't help but smile at this. It was okay for Jeongguk to crave Taehyung's touch. As if Taehyung could read Jeongguk's mind, he placed his free hand on Jeongguk's thigh, smiling softly. He let his hand linger on his thigh, moving up every so slightly before returning it to the steering wheel. "We're here," he announced as they pulled into the parking lot of the salon. They exited the car and entered the shop. "I have a feeling today is gonna be a long day," Taehyung sighed. Jeongguk took a seat in one of the chairs and watched as Taehyung tidied up his area. His pretty gray hair swayed with his every movement, falling into his eyes every few seconds as a sigh escaped his lips. "I should've just called in and watched movies with you," he whined, a small pout evident on his lips. Jeongguk laughed and opened his arms, expecting a hug. Taehyung waddled over to him and nuzzled his head into the crook of his neck. "You're adorable," he smiled as he ran a hand through Jeongguk hair. A dark red blush fell over Jeongguk's cheeks, causing Taehyung to smile even more. He squished his cheeks and cooed at how cute he was.

Before Taehyung could continue to tease Jeongguk, a customer walked in. "I'll be back," Taehyung mouthed as he walked over to the customer. He greeted them kindly, but Jeongguk noticed that his eyes were hazy. It was as if he was looking right through the person. Taehyung had done the same with Jeongguk at first, but he hadn't had the haze since the day they met. Taehyung always seemed one hundred percent there for Jeongguk, and Jeongguk was thankful for that. He brought the client back and sat them down, immediately working on their hair.

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