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"Jeongguk? Can you hear me? Doctor, he's regaining consciousness," a young lady spoke. "Okay, thank you." Jeongguk could hear the door open and close. "Mr. Jeon? You can hear my voice, correct?" Jeongguk drowsily nodded. "You blacked out. You've been out for... a couple hours now," the doctor spoke, pausing to check the time. "My name is Seokjin, can you say that?" "S-Seokjin," Jeongguk stuttered out as his eyes fluttered open. He winced in pain at the bright lights. "How are you feeling?" Jeongguk looked down at his bandaged hands. "F-Fine," Jeongguk muttered. "Good. Is your head still hurting?" Seokjin asked. "J-Just a little bit..." "We prescribed you some heavy duty pain killers, so that should help with your head. Your boyfriend already picked them up for you," he smiled. Jeongguk's heart dropped. Boyfriend. "I think his name was Taehyu... Tae... Taehyung! That's what it was," Seokjin paused, laughing at how he could've forgotten such a simple name.

Jeongguk looked at the doctor in confusion. It suddenly hit him that the doctor thought that Taehyung was his boyfriend. His face heated up at the realization. He wouldn't mind dating someone as kind and handsome as Taehyung, but Jeongguk was 'way out of his league'. He'd never go for someone as ugly and pathetic as me, he thought to himself solemnly. "Investigator Min is here. He wants to ask you a few questions. Would now be okay?" Jeongguk snapped out of his depressive headspace and nodded. "I'll send him in. Take it easy, Jeongguk." The doctor left the room and a shorter man entered after him. He had milky white skin and black, fluffy hair.

He somehow managed to look both young and old at the same time. "Jeongguk?" Jeongguk nodded and the investigator closed the door behind him. "My name is Min Yoongi and I'm an investigator. I'd like to ask you a few questions about the incident, if that's okay," he stated. Yoongi sat down in a chair near Jeongguk and pulled out a journal and pen. "How long were you and Kyong dating?" Jeongguk sat up carefully as he thought back to the beginning of their relationship. "A-Almost a year," Jeongguk mumbled. Yoongi quickly scribbled it down. "When did he start becoming violent?" Jeongguk's heart dropped. It hurt so much to think about when it all started. "Only a month or two after we first got together..." The questions continued to get harder and harder to answer and Jeongguk was starting to shut down. "That's it for today, kiddo. I'll come back tomorrow if my boss says I need more info," Yoongi chuckled dryly. Jeongguk nodded and watched as the short man left the room.

He was once again, left to drown in his own thoughts. Jeongguk massaged his bruised wrists and pursed his lips together. P-Please don't leave, he'd said to Taehyung, He couldn't figure out why he called out to him with such desperation. Maybe he was desperate.

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