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Jeongguk peeked his head into the room he was sharing with Taehyung, eyeing the lump under the comforter. It was already pretty late-- around eleven o' clock last time he'd checked-- and Jimin and Hoseok had been asleep for a while now.

"T-Tae?" he called out as he entered the room fully. Taehyung's heart ached just from hearing Jeongguk's honey-like voice; he couldn't bring himself to face the boy he'd behaved so selfishly towards. Jeongguk sat down next to him, his eyes drooping with sadness. His throat closed up from holding back tears. Seeing Taehyung in such a weak state hurt his big heart. Taehyung had been nothing but selfless and to see him finally collapse was discouraging. Not to mention that he was closing up completely. The dreaded haze returned after Jeongguk had fought so hard to get rid of it. So, all he could do was crawl underneath the comforter and squeeze into Taehyung's embrace. Feeling the younger nuzzle into his chest caused him to cry all over again.

It hurt knowing that he almost took advantage of this sweet boy because of his own desires. It also hurt knowing that he was probably only trying to comfort him out of pity. There was no way Jeongguk felt any feelings towards the older, in his mind at least. Jeongguk left soft kisses on his chest, Taehyung's heart beginning to swell with these unwanted emotions. He liked Jeongguk-- a lot more than he'd ever to admit. He was scared of being rejected after watching him grow so strong and independent. Tears rolled down his cheeks and his shoulders shook with every cry. "What's on your mind, Tae?"

Jeongguk asked, his voice melting down the walls Taehyung had built up like a flame to a candle. It was so effortless. Though, he wasn't used to being comforted; it'd always been him comforting others. So for Jeongguk to sacrifice his own enjoyment for Taehyung's sake, it really struck a chord in him. Taehyung couldn't form the right words to even begin to explain his feelings. His shaky hands grabbed at Jeongguk's waist, pulling him in closer to make sure he was in fact real. He was such an angel, it was hard to believe he'd been blessed with his heavenly presence.

Jeongguk's sweet vanilla scent overwhelmed Taehyung as he buried his face in his hair. He sniffled as his grip tightened on him. "Talk to me, please," Jeongguk begged as his hand rubbed his side comfortingly. His wall dropped completely upon hearing the desperation in his voice. Jeongguk really was worrying about him. So, Taehyung sat up and wiped away his tears, Jeongguk adjusting his own position to face him.

For once throughout their entire exchange, their eyes met. Taehyung's eyes were red and filled with tragic tears. It broke Jeongguk's heart to see him in this state. His lips were swollen from gnawing on them relentlessly and his whole body shook. Jeongguk just wanted to reach out and hug him until he was no longer upset, but he knew that nothing would be fixed if they just brushed over it.

Instead, he watched Taehyung intently, waiting for him to finally speak. Suddenly, the haze in Taehyung's eyes washed away as he focused on Jeongguk's trembling bottom lip. He didn't want to make him cry-- ever. So the only option he had was to open up. "I-I'm so scared of losing you, Jeongguk." With that, the tears became non-stop.

"I-I'm scared you'll leave me now that you're better. I d-don't want this to stop. I don't want to watch you grow distant. It hurts knowing that all of this will come to an end someday. I try not to think about it, but it's hard, Jeongguk. This sounds so selfish, but...I like you-- a lot, and I don't think I can handle watching you walk away," he admitted solemnly. Jeongguk began to cry as well. "T-Tae, what makes you think that I plan on leaving you?" He gently cupped Taehyung's cheek, rubbing it with the pad of his thumb.

"I wish you'd believe me when I say that you're amazing, because you are, Tae. If it weren't for you, I'd still be hoping for death every morning. I'm grateful for you and you've shown me nothing but kindness and endless love. Why would the thought of me leaving you ever cross your mind?" Taehyung averted his gaze, suddenly feeling ashamed of his foolish behavior.

"I-I'm just insecure, baby, and I don't think I'm enough for you. You deserve the world and I can't give that to you." Jeongguk nudged Taehyung's head back so that they could meet each other's gaze again. "You're more than enough for me. You'll always be everything I need. Always." Jeongguk leaned in and gently pressed his lips into Taehyung's, taking them both by surprise. Every worry about Jeongguk and how he felt immediately drained away as his soft lips moved against his own. It felt like everything had finally fallen into place-- like the last piece of the puzzle had been found.

His hands found their way to Jeongguk's waist as he kneaded soft circles into them, a bundle of fresh tears falling from his exhausted eyes. Jeongguk pulled away, a shy smile on his face. Taehyung was already missing the feeling of Jeongguk's lips moving against his own. "W-Was that okay?" Jeongguk asked, scared that Taehyung might be upset with him. Instead, in the dimly lit room, Jeongguk could see a love-struck grin spread across his face, just as Jimin had described. He'd never seen Taehyung's face so red, though it was flattering. His sun-kissed complexion looked so pretty when painted over with the soft red hue. Taehyung was beyond speechless. After being kissed by an angel, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"Y-Yeah," he managed to squeak out. Jeongguk crawled into his lap and wrapped his arms around his neck, Taehyung's own immediately gripping onto his small waist. He took a deep breath, loving how sweet Taehyung smelled. "Taehyung, can I say something? You don't have to say it back and I don't wanna make this seem a bit rushed...but..." "I love you," Taehyung breathed out, beating Jeongguk to it. Jeongguk pulled away from him, a small pout on his oh so distracting lips. "I wanted to say it first, rude."

"Fine, do you wanna start over then?" The younger nodded, his lips curled into a precious smile. "I think we should start from the kiss then," Taehyung suggested cheekily. Jeongguk rolled his eyes, but nonetheless agreed. His right hand tugged lightly on Taehyung's gray locks as he pulled him in, their lips meeting once again. It took his breath away every time. His lips just felt so right. Jeongguk disconnected their lips as he scrunched up his nose cutely. "I love you, Tae," he giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. "I love you too, Gguk."

How could he have doubted him before?

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