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Another month flew by and Jeongguk had started to open up even more-- and smiling more. Taehyung adored Jeongguk, but the fact that he was getting better made him, well, indifferent to say the least. He wanted Jeongguk to get better and it made him happy to see him happy, but there was this sense of dread behind the end of every day. Once Jeongguk fully recovered, he wouldn't need Taehyung anymore. He tried to keep these discouraging thoughts away, but they plagued his every moment with the younger.

Seeing him conversing with his customers and working his charm added onto his fears, knowing that Jeongguk was able to function on his own, without Taehyung. "That hair color looks really good on you ma'am," Jeongguk grinned as he stared at the woman's hair, his eyes wide and full of enthusiasm. "Really? I was kinda nervous about doing that dark of a color, but I guess it doesn't look too bad?" Jeongguk shook his head and beamed.

"It looks amazing." The woman thanked him and Taehyung, paying the older of the two before leaving. "Why must you flirt with all of my customers?" Taehyung joked as Jeongguk scrunched up his nose, laughter erupting from his chest. This was a sound that Taehyung had grown to love as he heard it more and more. It sounded so innocent and pure, making Taehyung's heart all fuzzy. "Maybe I should put you to work as my assistant since you do all of the talking nowadays."

Jeongguk shook his head, giggles still spilling from his perfectly sculpted mouth. "I am not your assistant, 'm just here as your number one fanboy," he beamed as he held up his index finger. Taehyung rolled his eyes playfully as he cleaned up his area, stealing glances at the boy next to him. Over the past month, Jeongguk had slowly regained his appetite, causing him to gain a few needed pounds.

His face was round now and not so skeleton looking, which Taehyung thought was absolutely precious. His thighs and stomach had some plumpness to them and he even seemed to have gained a little confidence as well. He'd wear form fitting clothes more often and even want to go places with Taehyung now instead of shying away at home. It made Taehyung feel accomplished just seeing the boy thrive. But there it was again, that bad feeling. The sooner he recovers, the sooner he will leave me. "Hey Tae, do you think we can go out tonight?" Taehyung shook himself out of his negative headspace and looked up at the boy. "Go out? Where?" "I dunno, like the movies or somethin'? I just feel like we don't really do anything together..." Taehyung smiled and squished his cheeks. "Of course we can baby. Do you have any movie in mind?" The younger's face turned a light pink upon hearing the pet name. He'd probably never get used to Taehyung's flirty remarks.

"I-I can check," he stuttered as he pulled out his brand new phone. Taehyung had finally bought him a new phone since his other one was smashed to pieces. It had a pastel yellow case with a little pink bunny on it, reflecting Jeongguk's new bubbly personality perfectly. Taehyung wasn't used to his outgoing personality since he was reserved when he first met him, but he didn't mind. It just meant he felt safe enough to let Taehyung see the real him-- the recovered him. "There's this new horror movie," Jeongguk mumbled as he handed Taehyung his phone for him to see. "Are you sure you wanna go watch that? I've heard that it's actually really scary," Taehyung stated, handing the phone back. Jeongguk furrowed his brows and jutted out his bottom lip. "It can't be that scary." Taehyung raised an eyebrow at the boy, but he refused to back down. "I guess we can see that one then. But don't come crying to me when you get all spooked," Taehyung teased, seeing how the boy's eyes widened slightly at his statement.

"O-Okay." Taehyung finished cleaning up and grabbed his car keys, jingling them in Jeongguk's direction so he'd follow him to the car. "Do you wanna stop by the house first or just go right now?" "I wanna change clothes before we go, so let's stop by the house." The drive was quiet, as usual, while Jeongguk hummed to himself softly. They pulled into the driveway, Jeongguk practically jumping out of the car. "You can't wait for me to park the car? Jesus..." Taehyung muttered to himself, watching as the boy zoomed to the front door. "Hurry up," he whined as Taehyung fumbled with the keys. He shot him a glare as he opened the door.

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