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Taehyung could easily be seen as just someone that helped Jeongguk, but nothing more than that. Not even a friend. "Tae, will you taste it? Tell me if it's good or not," Jeongguk demanded, placing the cup in Taehyung's hands. Surely Jeongguk wouldn't be this friendly with Taehyung if he didn't think of him as at least a friend, right? Jeongguk watched expectantly as Taehyung took a sip, his eyes widening in delight. "This isn't too bad," he stated, handing the cup back to Jeongguk. "Really?" he asked, his doe-like eyes filled with stars. Why did he act like he actually enjoyed being around Taehyung? Taehyung could feel his own mood dropping at these doubtful words fogging his mind.

"Tae, are you okay?" Jeongguk pouted, waving his hand in front of Taehyung's face. Taehyung blinked a couple times before painting on a fake smile. "Yeah, I'm fine." Jimin eyed him suspiciously, knowing exactly what was going on in his tangled head. "Dinner's ready," Hoseok called, Jimin motioning for Taehyung and Jeongguk to follow him. They all sat down at the dining room table as Hoseok distributed the food. Thankfully for Taehyung, the dinner wasn't quiet at all. The hosts were a loud duo and even Jeongguk was a bit loud too. Taehyung wasn't acknowledged much, which he didn't mind. He needed time to sort out his thoughts, to figure out what he was feeling and why he was questioning Jeongguk.

Jeongguk shot worried glances at the older, sensing a shift in his demeanor, but ultimately brushing it off so he could visit with Jimin and Hoseok. He could talk to Taehyung later. Jimin caught onto this and suddenly had an idea pop into his head. "Hey Gguk, would you and Taehyung like to spend the night?" Jimin suggested, Hoseok just rolling with it. Jeongguk looked at Taehyung, who was still lost in his head. He frowned as he bit at his lip, knowing for sure that something was wrong. "Yeah, that sounds good," he forced a smile as he pushed away his mostly empty plate. "Did you hear that, Tae?" Taehyung finally snapped out of it, his eyes barely focusing on Jeongguk. Jeongguk could feel his heart drop to his stomach; his eyes were hazy again.

What went wrong? They were getting along so well and Jeongguk was beginning to catch feelings for Taehyung, so why was he shutting down? "W-We're spending the night here, if that's okay with you?" Taehyung nodded as he stood up, his plate half full. "Can you show me to the room? I'm tired from the trial today. I'm sorry if I'm being rude." Jimin stood up as well and led him to a room with a queen sized bed, assuring him that he wasn't being rude. "This is our only spare room, so you'll be sharing it with Jeongguk. Is that okay?" Taehyung muttered a small yes before collapsing on the bed, curling into the soft fabric. Jimin closed the door behind him and returned to the dining room. Jeongguk was sitting on the couch, an evident pout on his lips.

"You can tell there's something wrong with him too, right?" Jeongguk nodded solemnly, a single tear rolling down his cheek. "Why are you so upset? Did you guys fight or something?" Jeongguk sniffled as he shook his head. "N-No... I wouldn't call it a f-fight necessarily..." Jimin sat next to the boy, a sympathetic hand on his back. "Well what happened?" Jeongguk's mind drifted back to the moment where Taehyung placed his hands on either side of him, his lips parted as his eyes ate him up like candy. His steamy breath against his lips, his hooded eyes-- everything was just overwhelming.

"H-He tried to kiss me."

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