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"What do you wanna make?" Taehyung scanned the fridge for dinner materials, but frowned when he couldn't find any. "We might have to go to the store..." he trailed to himself, his eyes wandering back to Jeongguk's thin frame. He looked like he would collapse any moment. "Why don't you stay here and relax while I go to the store? Is that okay?" he asked as he placed a hand on Jeongguk's knee. Jeongguk nodded, smiling softly. "Wait, let me make you some tea to help with your anxiety," he muttered as he rushed back over to the fridge, retrieving a mason jar labeled 'chamomile'. "This helps with stress and your sleep," he explained as he poured some into a cup. He put a spoonful of honey in the cup and stirred it before handing it to Jeongguk. "I'd give you lavender tea instead, but chamomile tastes better." Jeongguk watched Taehyung place the mason jar back in the fridge, fondness in his eyes. He loved how passionate Taehyung was about flowers and tea. It was endearing to him.

Taehyung was very spiritual and believed in things that Jeongguk had never even thought about. It was interesting to see how much Taehyung differed from Jeongguk. He found it attractive. "That should calm you down a bit. I guess I could've given you CBD oil instead... whatever, the tea should work just fine. I'll go get stuff for dinner. You can wash up or just hang out, but try to keep your mind off of stressful things," Taehyung babbled on. Jeongguk could feel the worry emitting off of him. "Okay, thank you," he spoke gingerly. He really didn't want to be left alone, but he also didn't want to be a burden. "I guess I'll get going then. I'll be back soon," he called. Just as he was about to walk away, Jeongguk grabbed his wrist. He was unsure as to why he did it, his face flushing a dark red as Taehyung turned back around to face him. "I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me--"

Before he could finish his sentence, Taehyung pulled him into a hug. For some reason, Taehyung didn't want to leave the boy. He knew that Jeongguk needed time away from people, but he couldn't stand not having Jeongguk by his side. He'd become a sense of comfort for Taehyung. Jeongguk was the only one that could ease Taehyung's racing thoughts. He was only going to the store, yet neither of them could explain why they were reacting so ridiculously. "I-I should probably go," Taehyung stated, clearing his throat. He exited without saying anything else. Once he closed the door behind him, he released the breath he didn't know he'd been holding. His heart was beating out of his chest and a bright red blush dusted over his cheeks. Why does he make me so flustered? Taehyung shook his head as he made his way to the car. Meanwhile, Jeongguk still sat on the counter, frozen in place.

His hand rested over his heart, trying to catch his breath. The look in Taehyung's eyes screamed that he wanted more, but he held back for Jeongguk's sake. His pretty hands had lingered a little too long around Jeongguk's waist-- not that Jeongguk minded, but it was still strange. He'd never seen Taehyung become that serious. He silently sipped on the tea that Taehyung had given him and dazed off. It smelled of pollen and tasted oh so sweet. He washed the mug out and retreated to the bathroom. He needed to shower. As soon as he stepped into the warm water, relief trickled over him. He washed up quickly and dried off, avoiding the mirror all together to prevent another breakdown. After getting dressed, he wandered around the house aimlessly. His eyes landed on Taehyung's bedroom door that was cracked open a bit. He bit his lip, not really wanting to snoop around, but also wanting to learn more about the secluded boy he lived with.

Jeongguk entered the room hesitantly, being drawn to Taehyung's desk immediately. Flowers and sketches were strewn across the polished wood. He picked up a sketch of a boy with shaggy hair and a flower behind his ear. It held a strong resemblance to Jeongguk, though he wouldn't admit it. He examined some of the other sketches, recognizing how truly talented the boy was. His fingers grazed over the pretty flowers, feeling how soft and delicate they were. Before he could pester the poor plants more, a certain box caught his attention. It was decorated with painted flowers and various other parts of nature. Assuming that it was just more sketches, he pulled it off of the shelf and opened it, rustling through it carefully. Instead of sketches, he was met with pictures.

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