Meeting Father

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

Mother dragged us into the League of Assassins' boat. The moment we entered the vessel, the boat began it's journey as we began ours into one of the rooms. Damian and I sat on a red velvet couch across from our mother.

"Why are we meeting our father, mother? We are doing fine without him" Damian said while crossing his arms above his chest.

"As you know, the League of Assassins have many enemies that try to stop us from succeeding. We were doing just fine, that is until they killed your grandfather." With that, we all bowed our heads in sorrow and respect. "I am sending you two to go live with your father because he will protect you as I go back to the compound and fix the mess that Wilson has made."

"Mother, with all due respect, we can protect ourselves. We were trained by you and many other trainers all over the world. We can help you rebuild the League." I said without breaking eye-contact.  

She became silent. She was staring, that's usually not a good sign. I straightened my posture and prepared myself for a beating. 

"It is for extra precaution, my dear child. It is true that you were both trained my only the best of the best, but you can learn more from your father."

Before Damian or I could say anything else, the captain of the ship came by and told us that we have arrived at our destination. Mother nodded and began walking out of the room. We got up and followed her, but was stopped.

Mother stuck her hand out and turned towards us, "No. You two are to stay here. I will be back shortly." From there she walked out.

Damian and I looked at each other in confusion and shrugged it off. We know better than to stop mother and question her authority. We walked back to the couch and sat down, thinking about our new life.

"We do not know anything about father. Do you think he knows about us?" Damian asked while staring at the floor.

"I do not know brother," I said as I looked up to the ceiling. A few more minutes passed and we heard footsteps. We straightened out posture and looked towards the curtains. It was one of the soldiers. The soldier walked up to the entrance of the curtains and kneeled, bowing their head and extending their hand with a file in it. I got up and took the file. I looked at the contents of the file and found Damian and I's birth certificates. It was not that that caught my eye, it was the name after our 'Al Ghul' last name and the name that filled out the 'Father' portion of the certificate—Bruce Wayne.

"You may go now," I said to the soldier. As soon as the soldier left, I turned to my brother waving the file in the air. "Dami, check this out."

"What is it?" I walked over to my brother and sat next to him, leaning towards him so that he could see the contents of the file.

"Information about us. About our father," I said looking up at him with excitement. I can tell he was intrigued but was afraid to show it. "Do not be scared Dami. It's only us here." With that, he smiled and leaned in closer. We read the information together, only to become even more surprised and awed by our father after each word.

—————————3 hours later——————————

A few hours have passed, and Damian and I read the information ten times. So far, we have learned that our father's name is Bruce Wayne, the White Knight, by day and Batman, the Dark Knight, by night. His parents, our grandparents, Thomas and Martha Wayne, are deceased and he was taken in by his butler—Alfred Pennyworth. Apparently, we have "brothers"—Richard Grayson, Jason Todd, and Timothy Drake. All this information and more. 

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