Time To Save

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

My head is killing me. The pain causes me to groan. I slowly open my eyes, looking around, taking in my surroundings. But, I don't where I am. My head continues to throb as my body begins to shoot small strikes of pain through my limbs. I look down at myself, noticing that I'm tied to a metal chair, in the middle of the room. My feet, hands, and chest are tied to the chair in what seems to be copper metal wiring. My clothes are tattered, dried blood coats my skin, and suit. I can taste flakes of metal in my mouth—blood. 

I'm stuck in a cell, made of concrete. No windows, no vents, no exits, besides the metal door in front of me. I begin to pull my arms and twist my wrists, attempting to try and slip my hands from the wires. Despite using the strength I have as of right now, I have only successfully made my wrists bleed. I sigh in annoyance.

Just then, I hear footsteps approaching the metal door. I turn my attention towards the door, watching as the shadow beneath the crack of the door grows bigger. The person's shadow stops, covering the light of the crack. The door slowly opens, showing the face that I had last seen—the Joker. He smiles widely as he makes eye-contact me. Not showing any emotion, I inwardly grimace at the man's appearance.

"You're awake!" he screams with joy in his voice. He laughs making his way over to me. He stops right in front of me, bending to my eye-level with his hands behind his back. He stares at my face while tilting his head at different angles. He then grabs my chin and moves my head around, examining my features. All I could do is glare at him, as he does this. Shaking my face, he forcefully throws my head to the side and walks around me. He hums, with his hands still behind his back. I look forward, emotionless. Suddenly, he appears in front of me, grinning widely. "Silence treatment, I see."

I glare at him. My glares usually make my opponents cower in fear, but this man is something different. Instead of stepping away or getting his guard up, his grin becomes wider by the second, his eyes full of excitement.

"Luckily for you, I know how to make people scream," he says cynically. "Henchmen!" he screams.

Two huge men in clown outfits run through the door, getting stuck at the doorway. They shove each other in the doorway, trying to be the first one into the cell. Watching the two men struggle, all I could do is question my entire existence. These are the people that caught me?

The two big men flop onto the floor, making Joker sigh. They quickly get up to their feet, waiting for directions. 

"Now since you two are done fidaddling! I need my—" he looks at me. Darkly and slowly he says, "Supplies."

My heart begins to race in fear. Supplies?

The two men leave, fluently running out the door and coming back with a table with a cloth over it. I watch as they place the table to my left, up against the wall. Placing the table down, they quickly leave, closing the door behind them.

Once closed, Joker walks over to the table. "Shall we begin?" He pulls the cloth off of the table screaming, "Tada!" On the table, are all sorts of weapons: guns, knives, crowbars, maces, tasers, bats, etc. 

If I wasn't in this situation right now, I would normally laugh the scene before me off, screaming how kinky this is. But not today. I'm on the other end of the stick today. 

"Usually, I surprise my guests," he says picking up a knife and fiddling with it his hand. "But today, I'm feeling generous." He smiles placing the knife down, and puts his hand out motioning to the wide variety of weapons. "Your pick."

I glare at the twisted clown, not saying a word. Noticing that I'm not complying with his wishes, he turns his head to the table. "If you won't pick, then should I make a recommendation?" He hums, tapping his finger on his chin, looking at the weapons. I watch as he reaches for a huge gun-like weapon. "How about this?" he asks, pulling the trigger. The device shoots fire out of its nozzle—it's a flame thrower.

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