A Few More Minutes

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

The elevator stops and Deathstroke walks out. After a few seconds of waiting, Damian uses the Batarang that he used to open the tube, and opens the elevator's vent. We jump through the vent, landing in the elevator, crouched down. Walking out of the elevator, we find ourselves in a huge room, branching out into three different tube-like hallways, with glass showing the ocean. We stop in the middle of the room looking around, figuring out which one to go through.

"Which way?" I ask.

We look at the three possible entryways and Damian decides. "This one." He runs into the one on the left.

Just then I remember. "Wait." I grab him by the collar, stopping him in his tracks.

"What's wrong?"

"It doesn't matter which way we go," I say, walking towards the hallway right in front of the elevator, "they're all connected."

"You sure?"

"Pretty sure."

"Then why can't we go this way?" he asks pointing to the entryway he chose.

I look at the hall in front of me. "I don't know. My gut is telling me to go this way." I walk forward, letting go of Damian.

"Tch. If you say so."

We jog through the glass-tube hallway, with the company of a shark swimming alongside us. Jogging in a straight line, we finally reach another room, or building. We stop upon entering the new area, looking left and right, but not forward.

"It's the brats! Get them!" says one of Slade's assassins.

In front of us were two of Slade's assassins. Once they had called us out, Damian and I look at each other in surprise that neither one of us detected their presence, and ran.

"Don't ever trust your guts again," Damian says.

"Shut up. Like your guts are any better," I retort.

We ran back into the direction we came from. Instead of running in a straight line, Damian takes a turn into a connecting tube from the one we're currently in. I turn back to see the two armed men catching up. I take out smoke bombs from my utility belt and jump, turning my body towards them and throwing it in their direction. In mid-air, my body turns back around, landing, and taking a sharp right turn into the connecting tube.

As I'm turning, I see Damian pop his head out of a small area between two metal arcs, that hold the tubes together. He waves his hand over to him and disappears into the dark cracks. I slip into the small space, seeing an open vent on the ground. Without a question, I look back to where the two assassins are and jump into the vent. Just then, I hear the two assassins' footsteps disappear as I descend. I see Damian's figure beneath me as we slide down the metal vent. At the end of the vent, is a hill of rocks. We slide down the small hill of rocks, picking up debris as we descend. Damian reaches the bottom before I do, but doesn't move. To prevent myself from crashing into Damian, I use the momentum I am in and jump, making me fly over Damian and land crouched in front of him.

"You could've moved," I growl.

He shrugs and stands up, dusting himself. I stand up, dusting myself, and look around. We're in a cave—a dark, gloomy, uninhabited, barren cave. It's almost like the Batcave. Only technology-less.

"Looks like we're back at the—Woah," I say, my words getting cut off by the scene in front of us. In front of us is another blinding source of light. Instead of blue, it's green, and instead of a tube emitting that light, it's a lake.

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