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Demetria's P.O.V.:

We enter the elevator with our luggage handed over to us. Inside the elevator, Damian and I lean against the walls while Father presses the button, leading up to the top floor. The doors close, taking us to our floor as sappy, upbeat music, plays in the background. Out of the 50 floors, the elevator stops on the ninth, allowing a bunch of high-classed teenagers into the lift. Among the group stood two girls and five boys wearing nothing but expensive and classy clothes compared to our black shirts and sweats. 

The three of us scooch into one of the corners of the elevator, with me in between them, not wanting to interact with them. It seems that anti-socialism is something that another thing that runs in the family. Father decides to distract himself by scrolling through his phone, while Damian stares aimlessly at the ceiling. At the corner of my eye, I see the group of teens staring at us and then whispering to each other. I look up at the ascending numbers. 16, 17, 18...there's still more to go. Their constant bickering begins to irk me, making me turn my head towards them, making eye-contact with them. Upon eye-contact, they stop whispering and turn their bodies towards me. One of the girls looks at me and begins to walk in my direction. She stops right in front of me, making me cock my eyebrow in confusion.

"What are you looking at," she says, her high pitched voice breaking my eardrums.

Her posse behind her begins to laugh. I clench my jaw, not at her sudden thought that she has power over me but the fact that the pitch of her voice goes beyond the threshold of the average human hearing. It's quite painful, you see.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

Her group laughs once again, not the pleasing the laugh, the laugh that you would hear by fake snobby rich people. In the corner of my eye, I look over to see what Father is doing. He continues to scroll through his phone, pretending that he doesn't care. But his stiffness shows that he's ready to pounce. On my other side, Damian gets ready to retort, ready to pounce, but I move my hand secretly over to his, squeezing it, reassuring him that I am fine. Just then, the elevator stops on the 30th floor.

"Let's go, Jess," one of the boys call out, walking out the elevator.

"Hmph," says the girl in front of me. She whips her hair as she turns around and leaves. 

Once the door closes, I look over to Father. "You want me to be normal?" I ask, pointing towards the door where the snobby girl just left through.

"Don't tell me we have to be friends with people like, that," Damian joins in.

Father puts his phone in his pocket and leans his head back. "If you want to get through life, you need to make friends. Allies, if you will."

"I would rather jump off of a cliff than be acquainted with people like them," Damian retorts.

"Dami, you've been jumping off of cliffs since you could walk. You have to think of a better death scenario," I chime in. "Either way, if that is your definition of 'normal', then I want out."

"Me too," Damian says.

"Don't worry, if you two ever end up behaving like them, I want both of you out too," Father says.

"At least we all have something we agree on," I say smiling.

The doors of the elevator dings, and opens, arriving on the top floor. 

"Finally!" I say, pushing myself off of the wall and stretching my arms out. I grab my suitcase from the ground, and instantly walk out of the door, leaving Father and Damian behind. 

This floor only has one hallway, going straight down, splitting the floor into two areas, or rooms, to be exact. Father walks ahead of me, opening the door on the right, and entering. I follow in after Father, preparing myself for the revolting scene. 

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