The Oil Rig

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

Swimming through the ocean's depths, I put my arm out in front of me, displaying a holographic map of our location. A red dot slowly moves along the coast of the countries, as we swim forward. We're nearly there. Damian swims next to me, his rebreather releasing bubbles of carbon dioxide every few seconds. I wave my non-holographic displaying hand towards Damian, grabbing his attention. He swims closer to me and I put out the map for him to see. He nods his head, and begins to swim faster. Turning off the hologram, I swim after him.

We swim by and alongside different creatures. Creatures that I have never seen before. Under the sea, were more colors than blue. Colorful coral reefs and fishes. I continue to look around as we swim forward, fascinated by the creatures. As I turn my head in the direction of Damian, he cocks an eyebrow at me, questioning me. I cock my eyebrow back at him, making him shake his head in disbelief. I'm pretty sure he would have said some insulting things if we had any type of way to communicate with each other, but luckily yet sadly, we don't. We continue to swim forward, with me lagging behind every now and then, admiring the creatures and getting lost in my own train of thought. 

As I lag behind, staring at the animals, Damian grabs my arm and swims towards the destination. As we're swimming my gaze and mind begins to drift off once more. Breaking my out of my chance, is a sharp pain from the top of my head. I clench my head while swimming, and look over to Damian to see that his hand is up in a karate-chop motion towards me. I glare at him, rubbing my head in pain. He glares back, his eyes telling me to 'stop playing around.' He swims ahead, and looks behind him, telling me to catch up. I roll my eyes and swim next to him at his speed. Every now and then, his gaze lands on me, making sure that I'm paying attention to our mission. Not my fault that I don't see these things often.

After hours of swimming, we encounter huge metal cylinders holding up a structure. I put my hand on Damian, making him halt and look back towards me. I take out my map once more, just to make sure that the structure we see in front of us, is truly the location that we are looking for. The red dot on the hologram is frozen at one spot of the map, near a blinking blue dot, our location. Turning my head towards Damian, I nod, telling him that we have reached our destination. We begin to resurface, getting a glimpse of the scene above the water.

The sun is now setting, covering the sky with colors of red, yellow, and orange. In front of us is the oil rig. It hasn't changed since we last came here, a few years ago. The place looks like it has a futuristic design to it. It was all-metal, a dome for the top and visible floors branching off the initial design, covering a larger area as they ascend. Four huge metal like canisters held the whole building, preventing it from collapsing.

"Let's go," Damian says, diving back into the ocean.

I follow after him, swimming towards the oil rig. Approaching the rig, we see a tube running from the middle of the building, down into the depths of the ocean. I swim up to the tube, touching it. I begin to swim down, to where the tube leads, having my curiosity get the best of me. I've never seen this before. If I'm correct, this was never here before. Before I could swim further, Damian grabs me by my cape and pulls up towards the surface.

"That was unnecessary," I say, taking off my rebreather and readjusting my cape.

"We're here to find Deathstroke, not some long lost treasure," Damian says. He lifts his arm towards the air and releases his grappling hook. I do the same, both of our hooks grappling onto a sturdy metal bar underneath the flooring.

I look back at the location of the tube. "Do you remember that being there?"

Damian looks back at the tube. "No. But it was probably added after our visit here. The last time we came here was five years ago, Dee. A lot of things can change in that short amount of time."

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