Trust Grayson

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

"Suit up," Father says to us, turning away from us towards the computer, whipping his cape as he turns.

"Suit up?" I wonder out loud, "Wait. He doesn't mean." I look over to the Robin suits.

"We're already suited Father," Damian says crossing his arms, gesturing to his training attire.

Father, now sitting on the computer's chair, typing away on the keyboard, stops typing and points towards the display cases of suits without looking at us. 

"There's no way—"

Father swerves his chair towards us and glares.

"If you want to help, you will follow everything I say without a question. Understood?"

Damian and I nod, not wanting to lose this chance of helping. Father turns back around and types away on the computer. Damian walks over to the Robin case and stares at it in disgust. 

"What's wrong, kid? You said you wanted to help," Dick says, teasing him.

"Father," I call out. He stops and turns his head to the side, showing me that I have his attention. "Seeing as Damian will take up the mantle of Robin, would it be alright if I were to keep my training attire on?" I ask pulling on my black fabric.

"That's not fair!" Damian screams from the platform.

"As much as I would hate to say it, he's right," Father says agreeing with Damian.

"Then what would I wear," I ask putting my hands on my hips. "It's not like there could be two Robins...can there?"

Father looks over to Dick and he nods, walking away.

"Where are you going?" I ask him.

"Don't worry about me," Dick says waving back at me, "Just getting a spare."

"A spare?"

"Damian?," Father says. 

I look up to the platform to see that Damian is still staring at the suit. He presses the glass, opening the case, and takes out the suit. He holds the suit up, leaving the mask on the mannequin. 

"Can I at least have some pants?" Damian asks, looking over the costume.

"Please say no," I whisper to Father. Father cocks his eyebrow at me, probably wondering why I requested that.

"Hey, I heard that!" Damian says clenching the suit.

"I'm back," Dick says entering with a box, "and I brought Alfred." Alfred, too, is holding a box. 

"What's in the box," Damian and I ask at the same time. I walked while Damian jumped off to the platform over to Alfred and Dick, who have now placed the boxes on a metal table.

You're suit—why are you holding my Robin suit?" Dick says, once pointing to the boxes but now on the wrinkled suit in Damian's hand.

"I'm Robin now," he says raising the suit.

"Not with my suit, you're not," Dick said snatching the suit from his hands, sounding slightly offended.

As the two idiots bicker, I walk over to the now opened boxes and look inside.

"What are these?" I asked pulling out a suit. Once the suit is fully out of the box, I notice that it's a Robin suit.

"A Robin suit?" 

I reach into the box again and pull out another Robin suit. I look over to Dick curiously, wondering why there's an abundance of Robin suits in the boxes.

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