I, Myself, Am Rooting For The Shrubbery

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

We finished the crackers and tea in no time. We somehow found our way onto our shared king-sized bed and are now staring into the beige ceiling, for god knows how long. 

I sighed loudly, "Is there anything we can do?" I looked over at the digital clock, 3:54. "Okay. I'm bored," I say getting up and stretching. There has to be something exciting to do—training. That's the only entertainment that we have been introduced to our whole lives.

As I make my way towards the door, Damian's head perks up, "Where are you going?"

"Down to the cave," I say crossing my arms behind my head, "I have to do something or else I'll die from boredom. Maybe I'll try out the equipment down there. Or maybe I'll check out the computer. That thing might contain some really interesting information. Probably information about, I don't know, every single villain in this world and beyond. Don't ya think, Dami?"

There was silence, then followed by his footsteps. He grabs something from his bag and pushes me out the door, "Let's go." I smirk as we leisurely walk towards the cave.

As we turn the hallway to walk down the stairs, I see father Alfred walk out of the clock. I pull Damian by his collar and hide in the corner of the hallway. They begin walking up the stairs, we're bound to get caught. Just then, Damian pushes me back into the room and leaves the room slightly ajar. We peak through the crack to see them walk into the hallway across from us, into separate rooms—the third door being our father's and the fifth one being Alfred's.

"So now we know which rooms they're staying in." Damian stares at me questioningly. "What? Just in case."

We wait a few more minutes and make our journey towards the cave. Damian quietly walks over to the cave while I sprint like a maniac and slide down the rails of the stairs towards the clock.

"You're such a child. I can't believe we're twins," he sighs. I roll my eyes and slide the entrance open. We descend the dark staircase, carefully taking each step in hopes of not tripping any alarms that might be placed.

After finally reaching the bottom of the staircase, we are welcomed by the blinding lights, lighting up the cave. 

As we walk towards the computer, I look up towards the displayed suits and notice something very intriguing. We reach the seat of the computer, but before Damian could sit down, I tap his shoulder and point towards the display case. Specifically, the case with the tattered suit.

"Probably another one of Grayson's effeminate costumes," Damian says waving me off. He begins to type into the computer, probably hacking it, but I don't pay attention to that. 

I walk up to the display case to get a closer look. It's a Robin costume. 

The whole suit itself is in pieces; there are holes here and there, parts of the suit are peeled off, not to mention the blood all over it. It's messed up, why not fix it? Better yet, why keep it?

"It doesn't really effeminate. Just, broken," I say touching the case.

"Tch," Damian says leaning on the keys of the Bat-computer with his chin resting on his hands. 

"Is there something wrong?"

"Yes. Yes there is."

I walk back over to him and rest my hand on the back of the chair, staring at the screen of the computer.

"What's the problem?", I asked confusingly, seeing that he had successfully accessed the files.

"The problem here was that it was too easy," he says swerving his chair towards me squinting. 

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