I'll Drive

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

None of us move. We sit in our seats, staring at the incoming building. Just as we had thought that all hope is lost, we hear the sound of a jet engine, getting closer. We all turn our heads to the direction of the jet engine to find a jet diving straight for us. As the jet approaches us, it shoots out two wired cables with hooks at us, breaking through the metal portion of the escape pod and latching itself into it. Once they're hooked, the jet zooms above and pass us, barely getting hit my the collapsing oil rig. The jet flies back up into the air, taking us with it, barely missing the impact of the huge metal structure. 

As we're flying in the air, we all lean into our seats, sighing in relief. I look up towards the jet wondering who had saved us. "Who is that?" I ask out loud. 

"Nightwing," Father responds. "He's using the Batjet."

"That's not the Batjet," I tell him. "Last time I check, the Batjet didn't have a huge ball bulging out of the bottom." I look up at the jet, trying to figure out what that bulging ball is. As I'm busy trying to figure things out, a familiar screech enters our ears.

"There's more!?" Damian exclaims, looking in the direction of the herd of Man-bats flying our way.

Just then, one by one, the Man-bats fall into the water. I look back up to the Batjet, to see the ball thing move side to side, shooting something out of it, into the Man-bats. I look down at the fallen Man-bats just to see them submerge into the water as Man-bats and then rise onto the surface as humans.

"I guess Langstrom successfully made an antidote," I say looking back up to the ball under the jet. "And he seems like he's having fun using them as target practice."

I catch a glimpse of the white-haired scientists, inside the ball, shooting the living hell out the Man-bats with a smile. A few more Man-bats fall into the water, leaving none left in the sky. Once all of them are down, all the humans who had transformed back to normal, float on the surface of, looking around in confusion. 

"Are we just going to leave them, Father?" Damian asks, looking down at the people, as we fly away from them.

"No. We already called reinforcements."

Just then, a whole fleet of rescue boats appears behind us, sailing towards the fallen oil rig and confused civilians. Damian and I look behind us, watching the people and boats become smaller. Eventually disappearing out of view. As we're flying away I can't help but notice that we're going in the opposite direction of where London is.

"Father?" I call out. "London's that way." I point in the direction behind us.

Father looks out to the vast ocean in front of us. "Nightwing is taking us back to Gotham."

"And our belongings?" Damian asks.

"The press?" I ask.

"I'll have Nightwing retrieve them once he lands us in Gotham. And I'll deal with the media."

Damian and I look at each other and lean back into our chairs, stopping ourselves from questioning Father anymore. 

The ride is quiet, the sound of the jet engine filling in the silence. Mother and Father stare out into the scene in front of them while Damian and I slightly fidget in our seats. Softly bouncing my leg in boredom and staring out of the glass, Damian asks me a question.

"What was it like," he asks, "dying?"

My leg stops bouncing and the memories of my death replay in my head. The memories from getting shot to the memories of fighting with Grandfather. "It was quite an experience," I say giving him a fake smile.

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