Dining Room Punishment

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

"Slow down! You're going to kill us!"

 I swerve to the right, throwing everyone to the side, hitting their faces onto the windows.

"Relax, Dami." I swerve the car back onto a straight path, throwing everyone back into their seats. "I've got this." I look over to him with a smile. 

"Keep your eyes on the road!" he cries, grabbing my face and turning it so that it's facing forward.

"You're overreacting," I tell him, swatting away his hand. "I haven't even used the jet engine yet." I place my hand on the dashboard and flick the lever up.

"Wait, what—" 

The engine turns on, causing u to zoom faster through the streets of Gotham, sending us all flying back into our seats. I laugh in joy, enjoying the adrenaline. We drive through at an insane speed, going through close-calls with trash cans and stray animals. I stomp on the gas pedal, making us go even faster, causing more complaints from Damian. We continue at this speed until we reach the side of the mountain leading into the Batcave. Approaching the mountain, I decelerate the speed but still move at an alarming speed. I drive towards the side of the mountain, but as we get closer, the opening of the cave doesn't appear.

"Is there a button that we need to press?" Damian asks Father while staring at the rock wall getting closer. 

"If so, now would be a good time to tell me." I cry out.

I look through the rearview mirror, watching Father. He sits still staring at the approaching rock wall. He's either really calm, or insane. It's definitely the second option. "Just keep going," Father says.

"If you say so." I give a cynical smirk and press harder on the gas pedal. We speed towards the mountain, but just as it seems like we are going to crash, the opening to the cave appears at the very last second and then closing instantly.

Driving through the entryway's tunnel, lights begin to turn on, lighting the way towards the Batcave at the same speed as the Batmobile. Reaching the end of the tunnel, the Batcave comes into view. Reaching the middle of the cave, I slow down, parking the car.

"That was fun," I say smiling.

"Fun?! We almost died!" Damian says, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me. He turns to the backseat at Father. "Why did you make her drive?"

Before Father could respond the Batmobile unlocks itself, opening the glass over us, revealing a confused Alfred standing next to the driver's seat. I look at him with a smile. "Hey, Alfred!"

He averts his gaze to slightly angry Damian and then to the grown man, squished in the backseat in a fetal position. "Comfortable, sir?"

Father grumbles in embarrassment under his breath, climbing out of the backseat.

"He seemed pretty comfortable," I tell Alfred. "He wasn't complaining at all during the whole ride." I jump out of the car, landing next to Alfred.

"Was he now, Master Demetria?"

I walk over to the changing station with Damian running behind me, trying to catch up to me. We walk into the stations, changing into our civilian attire. By civilian attire, I mean a black shirt and black pants. Exiting the changing rooms, Damian and I walk straight to the stairs leading into the manor in comfortable silence. We didn't have the energy to speak or argue about anything, our adventure plus the car ride had taken all of our energy. Entering the manor, we walk past an Alfred holding a silver platter and busy looking Father, holding a bundle of papers. Quickly walking past them, avoiding all types of interaction, we reach our room and jump onto the bed, staring at the ceiling.

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