Who Are You Angry At?

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Bruce's P.O.V.:

I exit the room, closing the door behind me, but I don't move. I press my back against the door, unmotivated to move. I can hear Damian pleading for her return. His soft cries progressively get louder, all of his held back emotions, releasing in one go. I know I shouldn't be listening in on Damian's conversation with Demetria, but I can't help it. His words hold so much emotion, more than I have ever heard or seen from him before. 

I had always known that the two were close, they're always together. But I never had actually thought of how close they really are, or how affected one would be without the other. Behind the door, I can hear Damian complaining about how he wouldn't be able to survive on his own. Guilt overcomes me, from just hearing this. 

I should've listened to Damian. We should've left the moment Damian said to. The antidote didn't even take that long to make. We could've figured it all out on the way there.

I tilt my head back, resting it on the door, as I stare at the ceiling of the hallway. I close my eyes, breathing in and out, steadily. The images play over and over again. The images of her on a killing spree, with a bullet in her heart, when she was affected by the gas, the wounds inflicted on her body, the fractured bones, all of it. And just to think, they had only been here for about a week. Maybe, it would've been better if I wasn't so selfish and let Talia take the twins with her. I'm starting to think that they might be safer with the League of Assassins. Thinking over the whole situation a loud crash enters my ears. 

"This is your fucking fault!"

I quickly push myself off of the door and run towards the sound of people yelling. I find myself in the kitchen, watching Jason and Dick at each other's throat with Tim in the middle, trying to separate them. The floor is covered with shards of plates and glass all over the floor along with blood. I look at the three boys to see nothing but pure anger. All of their feet are bleeding from the shards, but it doesn't affect them, I don't think that they've even noticed.

"Because of you, she might not even live!" Dick screams, into Jason's face with a fist lifted into the air. He goes in for a punch, but I run in, ignoring the pain in my feet and grab Dick's arms.

"I've been searching non-stop for her while you were out screwing around!" Jason yells back, lunging for Dick. Tim gets behind Jason and grabs him the torso, trying his best to hold him back. "Let me go!" he screams trying to escape Tim's grip. "I said—" he lifts his arm— "let me—" he swings back— "go!"

Tim's grip on Jason releases, as he's thrown onto the family table, with a now bloody nose. As Tim's sits up-right, holding his nose, Jason takes this opportunity and lunges at Dick. Dick somehow manages to free himself from my grasp and lunges back at Jason. Jason being the heavier and larger person knocks Dick onto the ground, landing back first into the shards below.

"You're a piece of shit! You know that?!" Jason screams into his face, grabbing his shirt and punching him in the face repeatedly after each word.

"Me?!" Dick screams back. He grabs Jason by the collars of his shirt and flips the both of them to the side, so now Dick is on top. "At least I didn't let her get kidnapped by some maniac!" Dick punches him repeatedly.

"Boys! That's enough!" I say as I help Tim up onto his feet.

"That's true," Jason says spitting blood out of his mouth and onto Dick's face. Dick gets enraged by this reaction and goes in for another punch, but Jason blocks the attack by grabbing his arm. "But at least I didn't leave her alone to fight her own demons," Jason retorts, punching Dick in the face, throwing him off of himself.

Jason stands up and wipes the blood off of his mouth, glaring dagger at me. "You know, after all these years, I would've thought that you've learned," he scowls.

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