Someone Has A Fan

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

I run back through the hallways back to the main room, my cape flowing behind me. Reaching the familiar main room, I turn towards the staircase leading to the upper floors. Running up the stairs, I take a sharp turn to the right, leading into another boring beige, bricked hall. I pass by more metal doors and candles, eventually encountering intersecting halls. 

After many twists and turns, I make an abrupt stop. "What the hell am I doing?" I look around in realization, I have no idea where I'm going. "Fa—" I stop myself from saying any more, who knows who might be nearby. It would've been smart if Father had given us some way to communicate with each other.

I have walked through random staircases and eerie hallways, but I still have yet to find Father or Damian. Assuming that I am now on the fifth floor of the castle, I hear an ever so gently, pushing, of a metal door. Slowly approaching the source of the sound, I push myself up against the corner of a wall, and peek around the corner, to find Father looking through one of the rooms. I walk out of the corner, resting assured at his presence, and walk up behind him. Still looking through the door, I catch a glimpse of what is inside. A room just like the other that I've seen downstairs—concrete flooring and walls, wooden bed, white coverings, and metal shackles; however, this one is different. Instead of semi-clean white sheets, they're stained red. 

"Kinky," I say peeking my head through the door, under Father, trying to ease the tension.

Father turns his head towards me, closing the door, cocking his eyebrow. "Where did you learn that word?"

"Father, I'm ten," I deadpan. "Do you know who was here?" I ask looking at the door.

"No. It seems that someone was tortured, probably for answers," Father says looking back at the closed door.

"They probably put up a fight, with all that blood there. What do you think they were trying to get?"

"I don't know. We have to keep looking."

Just then, I hear running coming from the direction that I had walked out from. Father and I turn our heads to the direction, just to witness Damian towards us. 

"Find anything?" Damian asks.

"Nothing," Father responds.

I look back to Father, confused as to why he has lied to Damian. Father sees my confused expression and gives me glare telling me to stay quiet.

"Demetria?" Damian asks.

I contemplate whether or not I should tell them what I've found, but just like my father, lies leave my mouth before I could think. "No, nothing but empty rooms and boring halls."


We continue our search, quietly making our way down the hallway. I look around as we're walking, still nothing but the same scene over and over again. We have reached the end of the hallway in a matter of minutes. At the end of the hallway is a huge window, giving us the view of falling and untouched snow upon the mountain peaks.

"Why are we wasting time, when it's obvious that they have abandoned it?" Damian says annoyed, probably because he hasn't gotten any action yet.

"Wait," Father says, halting in front of the window, "listen."

"Wha—" I instantly cover Damian's mouth with my hand, shushing him.

Father puts his ear up against the beige wall, his eyes widening in surprise. Voices are coming from the other side of the wall.

"A fake wall," Father says. He maneuvers his hand around the wall, searching for any hidden handles. His hand stops on one of the beige bricks, pulling it down. 

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