The Plan

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Demetria's P.O.V:

"Arg!" Damian smashes his hand against the car door. "How can he do that to us? He knows how it feels," Damian looks down, upset, "so why won't he help us."

I couldn't help but wonder the same thing once he pointed it out. Father lost his parents when he was younger than us, so he knows how it feels to lose someone close to him. 

"Maybe he's selfish," I say looking out the window. No, that doesn't sound right. If he was selfish, he wouldn't be Batman. "Or maybe he has a perfectly good reason." 

"Tch." Damian clenches his fists. "What is better than helping your biological children avenge the death of their grandfather?!" Damian says swerving his head towards me.

"If you don't mind me asking, young masters," Alfred says speaking up. He looks through the rearview mirror and shortly makes eye contact with two angry-looking twins. "When, why, and how did you two leave the manor?"

"We left shortly after breakfast," I reply.

"We were hoping that father would help us in taking down Deathstroke. But all he did was turn us down."

"And you were distracted by the mountain on clothing to even notice us."

"I see," he replies, "and what is this 'selfish' you speak?"

"Father refuses to help us in taking out the man that killed our grandfather," Damian growls. 

"Taking out?" Alfred asks looking into the rearview mirror once more. "Master Bruce does not kill."

"That's stupid," Damian screams in outrage.

"Then how did he avenge the death of his parents?" I ask, now interested in our father's past.

"Justice, Master Demetria."

Alfred drove quietly, allowing us to soak in the information. But to no luck, it left us even more confused and frustrated. Hoping that he would speak up and say something to help our confusion, I waited and stared, only to realize that he wasn't going to. 

I sighed and leaned back into my seat, crossing my arms. Looking to my left, I see Damian staring off into space, knowing him, he's thinking of a plan. I know I'm going to end up doing the plan with him since he tends to get himself hurt. It's my job to keep him safe. I relax and close my eyes, preparing myself for his outrageous ideas.

————time skip———————

It's now ten o'clock at night, and Damian and I are in our room. Damian is swinging his sword around on the far side of the room, while I'm sitting on the bed, facing the door, sharpening my sword.

Father came back from work at six o'clock and came to our room to check on us. During that time, Damian and I were watching a "horror" movie that we found playing on one of the channels. Let me just say, I was very disappointed.

At seven o'clock, Alfred called us down for dinner, and it was nothing but awkward silence. We sat in the dining room, our father at the head of the table with Damian to his right and me to his left. Once Alfred had served us our food, he left the room to continue working, leaving us to suffocate in the tension-filled room. 

The only thing you could hear during dinner were the utensils clanging. Father was the first one to leave, claiming that he needed to get back to work. Damian and I continue to eat, but this time in comfort. Once finished, we went back to our rooms preparing for the plan.

The plan was quite simple. It was to obtain information about Deathstroke from Ubu by sneaking into his house. By sneaking in, we mean breaking in and destroying everything. But if simply asking doesn't work, we have other methods. Who are we kidding, we don't ask.

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