My Hero

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Damian's P.O.V.:

Commencing the mission, I pull my hood over my head and jump off of the building, charging straight towards the armed men. I catch the attention of one the guard, eventually having all of their focus on me. I smirk, charging at the nearest guard. He takes aim and shoots.

"Robin!" I hear Father call.

I dodge the bullet and continue running straight towards the man double my size. I duck under his rifle and grab it. Pulling it out of his grip, I jump and punch the man in the face, knocking him out cold. I land crouched next to the man, a bullet grazing me in the process. Without a second thought, I turn towards where the bullet had come from and aim the weapon in that direction. As I pull the trigger, I get knocked down onto the ground by a huge weight, causing the bullet from my gun to go off in the distance.

The heavy figure slowly gets off of me, revealing Father glowering down at me. I look around, seeing that all of the guards are taken care of. Grayson, Todd, and Drake gather the guards and tie them together.

I swerve my attention back to Father. "I had them!" 

"What you had was the intent to kill. And you know we don't do that. Because of you, they  know that we're here."

"Tch." I stand up and begin to walk to the entrance of the building. "Then let them know." I stop in my tracks and look back. "It wouldn't be much of a challenge if they didn't."

"This kid is related to, Demetria?" Todd says baffled.

"I know right. Sometimes I can't believe it myself," Grayson replies.

Despite their words irking my every nerve, I ignore it, focusing on the task at hand. Putting my hand on the entrance of the building, a hand grabs my arm. I follow the limb to the person's body to find Grayson staring at me.

"Remember we're teamed up. So don't be going off on your own."

Sighing in annoyance, I nod my head, accepting the torture. I turn back to the building and pull the metal doors open. Stepping inside, it's dark, the moonlight shining dimly through the small windows. I begin to walk forward but stop, seeing something shining on the ground. Looking down, the moonlight shows a very thin string, slightly reflecting it's light.

"Joker's not much of a place of no light," Todd says out loud.

Before I could inform anyone of the string, Todd walks past me, tripping the wire. His lifted foot has taken the string with him. The lights in the warehouse suddenly turn on, releasing a blinding yellow light. Blocking my eyes form the light, I squint, trying to adjust my eyes to the light. Peeking under my arm, I notice dark figures of all shapes and sizes appearing. Blinking rapidly, my eyes finally adjust. I put my arm down, to find us surrounded by armed clowns and dealers. They stood around and above us, aiming their guns at us, ready to attack.

"Great job, Todd," I grit out. 

The five of us move to stand in a circle, staring at the opponents. Todd stands on my left while Grayson takes my right.

"An unborn fetus could've avoided that," I tell Todd.

"You should be thanking me," Todd calmly replies, keeping an eye on any sudden movements. "You're the one who wanted a challenge."

My head perks up at his remark. I turn towards him and glare, opening my mouth to retort. But before I could do so, bullets begin to fly throughout the room, one zooming between Todd and I. We jump away and begin to dodge and attack. I pull out my sword and grapple my way onto the elevated platform. I block and slice the bullets coming my way while running at full speed towards the clowns, scaring them. As they step back, intimidated by my presence, I slice all of their guns into pieces leaving them defenseless.

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