Jason-A little fun

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    I let the Joker escape, I had him right where I wanted him but Batman and whoever the other guy was and ruined it. Jason's face turned red. Did I just ask him to come to my room? What was I thinking?! There's nothing wrong with wanting to have a little fun, right? Well let's see if he shows up anyway.
    He was still wearing his usual clothes being a black shirt with a red bat and a leather jacket. He took off his helmet and placed it on the table. He still wore his face mask, he didn't want Nightwing to see his face.
He waited until 8 and Nightwing didn't show up. What was I thinking? He wasn't going to come! Then there was a knock on the door. He opened it and smiled. "I didn't think yo- '' Before he could finish, Nightwing locked his lips with his and he smiled. While still kissing, Jason picks him up and walks back into the room, slamming the door shut.

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