Jason-I lied I love you

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Jason sat on the rooftop on one of the buildings that was nearby. I love you, Dick Grayson. I just can't be near you. A loud shouting snapping him back to reality.
"Jason!" He looked up and saw Dick Grayson on the roof of the building next to the one he was on. Dick jumped across the gap and landed next to Jason. He tried to run but Dick stopped him.
"Please, Jason. Don't leave me," he said.
Jason saw the look of sadness in his eyes. "Dick, let me go," he said as he tried to pull away.
"I just need to know, is it true what you said before?" He cried out, practically in tears.
No. I lied Dick. I love you so fucking much you don't understand how much I love you. But you need to stay away from me so I have to lie. I'm a messed up monster who has to stay away from you. " No, I love you Dick!" Jason shouted. Shit, I meant to say yes. I slipped up. Yes, I love him but I have to stay away. "Look, you have to stay away from me, please," he said as he backed away from Dick.
Dick looked really confused, "What are you talking about Jay?" He said as he tried to get close to him but he pulled away.
"I fucking shot you! I'm a monster and you deserve to be with someone who won't hurt you," he said.
Dick still looked confused, "You're not a monster, Jason, I'm pretty sure someone who comes back from the dead would want revenge on their killer."
"But they wouldn't put the one they love in danger! Please just stay away from me."
"No," Dick said as he pinned down Jason's arms to the wall and kissed his lips.
"Dick, get off of me, p-please," Jason tried to say but Dick's grip got tighter.
"You said you love me," Dick said as he continued to push against Jason.
Damn, I like this so much. I can't give in but he's really hot. Jason didn't remember when he stopped trying to resist but he did and kissed Dick so fucking much.

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