Dick-I love him

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Dick tried to get out of bed but Bruce came in and stopped him.
"Let me go after him!" Dick shouted at him.
"No. You're too hurt to leave," Bruce replied.
"Bruce, I love him," Dick pleaded.
"You heard it yourself. He doesn't love you. I won't let you chase after something that isn't there."
He's right. He doesn't love me. I broke his heart and an "I'm sorry" won't fix things.
"Just try to get some rest for now," Bruce said as he left the room.
Dick was gliding through the sky, avoiding buildings. He saw the Red Hood beating up some thugs nearby. He needed to clear things up with him. He swung downwards and slammed into one of the thugs and knocked him out. He turned around and whacked another with his escrima stick. He watched as Jason fired his (non deadly) guns at the thugs. They all fell to the ground.
"Jason, I just wanted to say..." Dick said but got cut off.
"Behind you!" Jason said as Dick ducked and Jason fired his guns.
"Thanks," he said, "What I was trying to say before was..." before he could finish, Jason removed his mask and kissed Dick and he kissed him back. He smiled. He pulled away and just took a minute to stare into his pretty eyes.
But then there was a gun shot and Dick could see the life leave Jason's eyes.
"NO!" He cried as he held Jason in his arms. He looked for the shooter and saw the Joker, laughing. Dick was full of anger and rage. He took Jason's gun ( the deadly one) and fired multiple rounds at the Joker.
I'm a killer. But I don't feel anything. He saw Bruce staring at him with horror written all over his face.
Dick screamed as he jumped from the bed. He was confused for a second. He looked around and saw he was in the Batcave. He sighed in relief. It was just a nightmare. He got out of bed and put on some clean clothes. Sorry Bruce but I need to find Jason.

Redwing (Jaydick)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon