Jason-Why did I?

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    He watched as Nightwing left and he felt sad. But, at least he knew he was coming back. What was I thinking? I came back to Gotham for one reason: to kill the Joker. I'm not supposed to be distracted by some hot guy in a tight suit. Why did I stop him when he wanted to leave? We could' ve just had a one night stand but why did I want more?
    Jason decided to go out and look for clues to lead him to the Joker. He put his helmet on and put his clothes on. He left the building from the roof so no one would see him. He ran across the buildings, feeling free. He stopped and looked down at the city. I wish Gotham could be better. And it will be without the Joker. He heard someone screaming so he went to go check it out.
     He saw someone being beat with a bat. Jason put his hands on the assailant and he turned around. Immediately Jason punched him in the face. The victim ran away while Jason kept punching him in the face. The assailant tried to speak in between Jason's punches. " Chill dude, I wasn't beating him too hard, I just wanted some cash."
        But Jason didn't stop. He kept punching and punching until the guy was dead. Jason's fists were covered with blood and his clothes got some too. Jason dropped the body and just looked at it. He heard police sirens and he ran away as fast as he could. I didn't want to kill him. Why did I ?

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