Dick-Maybe this is okay

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Why did I agree to see him later? I'm going to lose control and fuck him again without thinking. I mean, I'm not seeing anyone. So is it really bad? Yes! I don't even know who he is! He's the enemy. Or is he?
"Dick!" A voice shouted.
"Oh right, sorry. What did you say, Bruce?"
Bruce looked angry at him. "I don't like repeating myself. Why did you fail to catch the Red Hood?"
Because he was attractive "Uhh I underestimated his strength."
Well I'm sorry, Bruce. He's fucking hot.
    "If you can't get him next time, I will"
Why does that sound like a threat?

Dick went back to his apartment and hopped onto his bed just thinking. What the fuck is wrong with me? He's the crime boss running all the major drug operations in Gotham. I shouldn't fall for him. I can't. Why is he interested in me? I mean he probably hooks up with a lot of different guys right? I have to stop this.
Thunk. Dick looks out his window and sees the Red Hood fleeing. He was going to jump out but he was too far to catch. Why is he stalking me? Did he find out I'm Nightwing?
Later at night

     Okay. I'm calling it off, don't get distracted. Dick knocked on the hotel door and Red Hood opened. His leather jacket was unzipped but his shirt wasn't on.  Dick stared at his abs and he smiled. Why is he so hot? No, I can't get distracted. I came here to say no.
     "Well, what are you waiting for, Nighty? Come in,"
Fuck. This is hard. Dick stood by the door and didn't walk in. "I'm sorry, but this is wrong. You're one of the biggest crime bosses in Gotham and I'm suppose to stop you."
     "What the hell are you talking about?"
    "I can't keep coming here, Red. I like you a lot but this feels wrong. I'm suppose to hunt down criminals not fuck the-" before Dick could     finish, Red Hood press his lips against his. Dick started to kiss him back. Maybe this is okay.

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