Jason-Break up

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3 days later

    He made a full recovery for the most part. Just his ego was hurt and now he wanted to kill the Joker even more. Nightwing hasn't visited and Jason is starting to get worried. He's never been gone this long. I'm getting really worried. He gets up from his bed and notices an envelope on the ground near the door. He picks it up and opens it. It's a letter from Nightwing. "Hey, Red. I'm sorry about this. I really am. I'm calling whatever we have off. It was nice while it lasted but I can't keep doing this. You deserve someone better. Someone you can share your life with. I'm just not that person. I'm sorry. - Nighty"
    Jason was so angry. He picked his helmet up and threw it at the mirror and it shattered while the helmet remained not damaged. What did I do wrong? Jason left his hotel room and slammed the door.
    He traveled downtown, where many people claimed to see the Joker. He stood on top of a building so he could get a good viewpoint of the city. He saw a figure running down the street, away from the cops. He leaped off the building and saw it wasn't the Joker but his lover, Harley Quinn. He ran trying to catch up to her and when he was close he pointed his gun at her and she laughed.
    "What are you waiting for? You gonna shoot me or what?"Jason fired the gun but Harley slapped the gun out of his hand. She swung at him with her mallet but he moved out of the way and kicked her in the back. She fell down to the ground and he rushed to pick up the gun. He put his foot on her so she couldn't move and he pointed the gun at her again.
    "Last chance: tell me where the Joker is" Jason said as he released the safety of the gun.
    "How about no," She said, "I'm not giving him up."
    Out of nowhere, something hit his wrist and he dropped the gun. He looked up to see where it came from and saw Nightwing.
    "You just made a big mistake, Nightwing,"Jason was so angry. He picked up the gun. He shot the gun repeatedly at Nightwing without hesitation.
    A bullet grazed Nightwing's shoulder. He winced in pain but he didn't yell in pain. He ducked behind a chimney on the roof.
    "Red, you don't have to do this," Nightwing said as he gripped his shoulder to stop the pain. "You're not a killer."
    "You don't know anything about me! I am a killer!" He said as he pointed the gun back at Harley.
    Then suddenly Jason got hit by something and flew backwards. It couldn't have been Nightwing, he's still on the roof. He looked to see who it was. Fuck. It's Bruce. The one other person I want to kill besides the Joker. I'm not ready to fight him. I need to get out. He threw a flash grenade and ran.
    He got back to his room and sat on his bed and removed his helmet. Killing the Joker and Batman is proving to be more challenging than I thought.

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