Jason-Can't be

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That day around 5pm

Jason used the window to get into Dick's apartment. He can't be Nightwing can he? I mean it all makes sense if he is, his shoulder and the breakup right after I told him I'm alive. Maybe I'm just really paranoid. But, I do feel like he's hiding something. I mean he is the mysterious Dick Grayson, he has a lot of secrets.
He knew that Dick's work always ended late, since he's a detective. He searched through his apartment, looking for anything that proves his theory. I don't want to do this. Why am I even here? I want to know if it's true. I don't want it to be true. He should've left Batman like he did before I died.
Jason came across a picture that was on Dick's nightstand. He picked it up and saw that it was a picture of him and Dick near a lake. He remember that day. It was his first mission as Robin. Batman asked Dick to tag along to make sure Jason wouldn't mess up. The mission was somewhat of success, at least no one died. Bruce wanted the boys to come back as soon as the mission was over. Jason wanted to go swim in the lake and begged Dick to let him. They both had an amazing time at that lake. When they got back, Bruce was really upset at both of them. Jason felt bad that he got them both in trouble with Bruce. He'll never forget what Dick told him, "I don't regret it. We had fun, didn't we?" And that's when Jason saw Dick as a friend and not just a mentor like Batman.
Jason walked around the apartment, reliving all the best memories with his best friend. I wish nothing changed. I wish I hadn't died. He didn't find anything. I can't believe that I could think that Dick is Nightwing. He would never lie to me like this. Dick cut his ties with Batman the night I died. He wouldn't run back to him..
    Jason noticed something sticking out in the couch. He whatever it was out. It was one of Nightwing's escrima sticks. No, this can't be right. What is this doing here? I know I broke into Dick's apartment because I had a suspicion but I didn't think it was true. Jason was really angry he was almost in tears. He heard the door unlocking but he didn't bother to hide.

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