Dick-Yeah, I'm alive

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Dick arrived at his home and got dressed. He didn't want to be late for work. Again. I'm glad I tried this thing with the Red Hood. I think I'm falling in love with him. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door. Well now I'm going to be late. He walked over to the door and opened it.
He was shocked to see who it was: Red Hood. He was bleeding a lot on his stomach. "Please help me, Dick," he says. Dick rushed him inside and sat him down on the couch. He tried to stop the bleeding with towels, luckily it wasn't too bad so the bleeding slowed down. Dick went to get some water. When he was out of site, Red Hood removed his helmet and mask. While Dick was walking back he needed to ask, "How'd you know I was N-" then he saw him and dropped the glass of water.
He was shocked to see who it was: Red Hood. He was bleeding a lot on his stomach. "Please help me, Dick," he says. Dick rushed him inside and sat him down on the couch. He tried to stop the bleeding with towels, luckily it wasn't too bad so the bleeding slowed down. Dick went to get some water. When he was out of site, Red Hood removed his helmet and mask. While Dick was walking back he needed to ask, "How'd you know I was Ni-" then he saw him and dropped the glass of water.
"Yeah, I'm alive," he said. He tried to get up but he groaned in pain.
Jason fucking Todd. He's alive?
Dick didn't know what to say. His best friend who died is now laying on his couch. "H-how? I thought you died in that explosion," Dick said as he got another glass of water.
"Yeah, I did. But Ra's Al Ghul brought me back with some pit of water," Jason said casually.
Dick hugged Jason. "I thought I lost you," he said as he started to cry.
"H-hey! Don't get all emotional over it!"
Then it hit him. Shit. I fucked my best friend. Does he know I became Nightwing when he died? Does he know it's me he's been fucking?? I can't ask him. If he doesn't know and I tell him it'll just be weird. I've never had feelings for him before he died and I don't think he did either.
"So what've you been doing for the past five years? I hope you're not still working with Bruce. When you left, I didn't understand but now I know you made the right choice," Jason said.
"But if I didn't leave, I could have saved you!" Okay, he doesn't know I'm Nightwing.
"Even if you were in Gotham, I don't think you could've saved me from the Joker," he said as he laughed. "Also can you not tell Bruce I'm alive? I don't want him to know"
"Y-yeah sure" Dick went to go look for bandages for Jason and he still couldn't believe that he was alive. I need to break it off with him (Red Hood). What happens if he finds out he's been fucking his best friend? I can't tell him that I'm Nightwing. At least not yet. He'll be so disappointed in me that I'm still working with Bruce after everything thats happened to him.
Dick wrapped Jason's wound with the bandages. He winced in pain.
"S-sorry. I'm not really good at this, maybe I should take you to the hospital,"
"H-hey! Remember I'm dead? Plus it's fine, it's not that bad."
Dick laughed. "Right,"

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