End: Jason-Even after everything

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Dick helped Jason get to his apartment. Dick looked really scared and nervous. We're running from Batman. I wish I could say something to comfort him.
Dick got a towel from the closet and put it on Jason's wound. He winced in pain. Jason tried his best to smile at Dick.
"I can't stay here forever,"Jason said, "You shouldn't have picked a fight with Bruce. You should've just let him take me. Now he's going to be angry with you."
"You're not turning yourself in! And I don't care what Bruce thinks of me! I'm not Robin anymore. I'm not tied to him."
Jason laughed, "That's a lie. You still work with him. You might not be Robin but there's no leaving the batfamily."
"That means you're part of the batfamily too," They both laughed. Dick kissed Jason and he smiled.
"But really, I have to turn myself in," Jason said.
"No. I won't just stand by while you go to prison! You don't deserve that," Dick said, "I'm not going to let you turn yourself in."
Jason wanted to turn himself in. I killed many people. I deserve this. But I can't change his mind.
"Fine, if you won't let me turn myself in, I'll leave Gotham. That way you and Bruce won't have to deal with me," he said. He managed to get up and brought out a bag and started to pack his things.
Dick replied, "We're leaving Gotham."
Jason was afraid he was going to say that. I want him to come but he'd have to give up his life here. I can't let him do that. "I can't ask you to leave,"Jason said, "You love it here."
"You're not asking. I'm going with you. Yes, I do love it here but I love you more, Jason Todd."
Jason smiled. He was happy to see that he still cared for him even after everything that's happened. "I love you, too, Dick Grayson."

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