Dick-I killed the Joker

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Dick stood there gun still smoking from the shot. I killed him. I had to. I couldn't let  Jason kill him. He doesn't need to have a death on his conscience.
"I h-had to, Jason." he said as he ran up towards Jason to hug him. "I know you wanted to kill him. I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I'm just glad he's finally dead," Jason replied as he kissed him. Dick smiled.
"I didn't want you to kill anyone," Dick said as he cried.
"I know. But I didn't want you to kill anyone either,"Jason said as he tried to comfort Dick.
Dick noticed that Jason seemed distracted looking behind Dick.
Then suddenly a deep voice spoke, "What the hell did you do?" He knew who that was: Batman.
He walked towards him and tried to defend himself, "I'm sorry, I..." before he could finish Bruce pulled out a gun (he doesn't normally have guns) and pointed at Jason.
"Move Dick," He said in a serious tone.
Dick panicked. "What the hell, Bruce?"
"Jason needs to be taken in, he's put to many lives in danger," he replied.
"W-what? No, I killed the Joker. Jason didn't do anything wrong!" Dick said to try and defend Jason. Jason stood their in silence.
Batman fired the gun, aiming for Jason's shoulder so he wouldn't kill him. The bullet hit Jason's shoulder and he screamed in pain.
Dick threw a punch at Batman and followed up with a kick. Batman stumbled backwards, giving Dick enough time to pull out his escrima sticks.
He swung at Bruce but not at full strength, he did not want to hurt him. He just wanted to get away at Jason. Dick ran towards Jason and was surprised he was still standing. Jason laughed, "Now I know what it feels like to be shot. Sorry for shooting you before,"
Dick laughed too, "Let's get you out of here," he said as Jason put his weight on Dick. He threw a smoke bomb at Bruce before he could recover and they left.

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