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It was early morning on Sunday. Jungkook lazily rolled out of bed. As he was getting ready for the day he thought about the other night. A blush appears and his bunny smile was shown. Jungkook knew he liked Tae, it was like he found his missing piece. He was deep in thought until he got a message. Jungkook picked up his phone and saw it was from Tae.

Taetae 🌼
Hey, i was wondering, would you like to go out somewhere today? 💞

Jungkook looked at the phone and squealed.
'Is is a date?' He thought.
Jungkook debated about it, his parents said he wasn't allowed to meet a friend, but a punishment is worth it...right?
"Yes" He said with a smile. He didn't care if he got a punishment, he was just happy he could spend time with Tae.

Kookie 🌺
Hi tae, I would love to! 💕

Taetae 🌼
Yay! I'll meet you at the bridge in 20 minutes?

Kookie 🌺
Okay see you there hyungie 😊💘

Taetae 🌼
See you soon <3

Jungkook started becoming excited, and the more it got closer to the time the more excited he became. He walked to the bridge and sat patiently for Tae. With every second waiting was filled with anticipation.


"Hey kookie!" Tae smiled as he walked up to the younger.
"Hey Taetae!" Jungkook waved.
"Oh- are you okay? Your ears are showing." Tae said feeling a wave of worry.

"O-oh really, hehe it's because I'm excited and I must of became over excited!" Jungkook said embarrassingly.
"Awh your so cute, I might have a heart attack!" Tae said holding onto his chest.
Jungkook giggled,

"nooo I don't want hyungie to die!" Tae laughed at the younger's cuteness.
"So you ready to go?"
"Yep" Jungkook smiled as Tae held his arm out for Jungkook to link, which he did.
A few minutes later Jungkook's ears had gone back down.

They were in Tae's car, they were listening to the radio until Jungkook asked the question.
"Where are we going tae?" The younger said looking up at the elder.
"You'll see! We should be there soon!" Tae smiled.

Until finally they drove past the sign.
"WAIT- we are going to the zoo?" Jungkook squealed.
"Yes bunny, I didn't really know where to take you and my grandma suggested the zoo, is it okay?"
"Of course Taetae, Ive always wanted to go to a zoo!" Jungkook beamed with happiness.

They both got out of the car.
"You haven't been to a zoo before?"
"Oh no- I've never gone out anywhere really." Jungkook said sadly.
"Awh don't be sad koo, I'll take you to all the places you've missed out on, I promise." Tae said taking the younger's hands and intertwining them.

"Really! Thank you so much hyungie." Jungkook blushed.
"Of course bun, now lets go pay for our tickets."
They walked to the machine, and Tae started putting the details in.

"By the way, before you say anything, I'll pay for everything today." Tae said placing his credit card in the machine.
"No Tae I can't let you do that." Jungkook said feeling guilty.
"Jungkook, I'm paying for today, you don't owe me either, I was the one who asked you out today so I'm paying. I'm not taking no for an answer."
Jungkook was speechless.

"Thank you so much tae!" He said jumping onto Tae hugging him tightly. Until he realised what he was doing. He quickly pulled away.
"Oh my god I'm s-so s-sorry!"
"Why you apologizing? You can hug me whenever you want to, I don't mind!" The elder smiled.

"B-but hyung bunny hybrids..."
"I know koo, I did my research. I don't care if your really clingy, it doesn't bother me one bit, I won't ever be annoyed of your clinginess! I think it's cute."
Jungkook started tearing up.
"You don't know how much that means to me!" He sobbed.

"Shh don't cry bun, now let's go look at the animals!" He said wiping the younger's tears and holding his hand afterwards.

They walk around for an hour, they've seen so many animals, from giraffes to monkeys to birds. The two have been really enjoying their time.

"Ah we are already near the end of seeing all the animals." Jungkook said sadly.
"Awe cheer up bun, I'll let you choose something from the gift shop!" Tae chuckled.
"Wah, thank you hyungieeeee!"

"Now we only have time to see one more animal" Tae said, he gave the map to the younger. "What do you want to go see?"
"Hmm... the tigers!" Jungkook giggled.
"Okay, let's go." Tae said.

They both ran like kids to see the tigers. Once they reached the enclosure, they walked up to the window.
"Woahhh, they might eat me!" Jungkook said hiding behind Tae's arm.

"Don't worry I'll protect you!" He said pulling a face.
"Hehe Taetae's my protective tiger!" Jungkook cheered, punching the air.
"I'll always protect you bunny!"
The two walked off holding hands, and made their way to the gift shop.

"Now, I said you could get something, so take your pick bunny!"
Jungkook's eyes lit up as he looked around.

After some debating he went over to the teddy's and picked up a tiger plushie.
"I'll take this!"
"A tiger?" Tae asked confused.
"Hehe yes, because it reminds me of you." He said smiling widely.
"Ah, how can someone be so cute!"
"Yah hyung I'm not!" Jungkook said jokingly hitting Tae.
"Okay you win, let's go cutie!" Tae said with a devilish smile.
"Okay- wait ah your so sneaky Kim!"
"Who me? I didn't do anything" he said before running away.

After paying they made their way back to the car, holding hands and Jungkook gripping onto his tiger plushie.
"Thank you sooooo much for today hyungie!"
"Awe no problem bun! I'm glad you had fun. Now let's get you home."

They finally made it outside Jungkook's house.
"Here you go bunny. Get some rest. We have school again tomorrow."
"Yes sir. Thank you again Taetae, sleep well!"

"I will koo, I'll text you later." Tae said feeling kind of sad that the day was already over.
"Okie, see you tomorrow!" Jungkook said as he got out of the car.
"Bye kookie!"
"Bye hyungie"

Jungkook shut the door and waved Tae goodbye. Once he had driven away Jungkook walked up to the door, he walked inside with a smile on his face, until he was scared with a loud noise.

"Where the fuck did you go slut"

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